Title: | Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values |
Description: | Statistical extreme value modelling of threshold excesses, maxima and multivariate extremes. Univariate models for threshold excesses and maxima are the Generalised Pareto, and Generalised Extreme Value model respectively. These models may be fitted by using maximum (optionally penalised-)likelihood, or Bayesian estimation, and both classes of models may be fitted with covariates in any/all model parameters. Model diagnostics support the fitting process. Graphical output for visualising fitted models and return level estimates is provided. For serially dependent sequences, the intervals declustering algorithm of Ferro and Segers (2003) <doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00401> is provided, with diagnostic support to aid selection of threshold and declustering horizon. Multivariate modelling is performed via the conditional approach of Heffernan and Tawn (2004) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2004.02050.x>, with graphical tools for threshold selection and to diagnose estimation convergence. |
Authors: | Harry Southworth [aut, cre], Janet E. Heffernan [aut], Paul D. Metcalfe [aut], Yiannis Papastathopoulos [ctb], Alec Stephenson [ctb], Stuart Coles [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Harry Southworth <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 2.4.9 |
Built: | 2025-02-17 05:16:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/harrysouthworth/texmex |
Extreme values modelling, including the conditional multivariate approach of Heffernan and Tawn (2004).
The package was originally called ‘texmex’ for Threshold EXceedances and Multivariate EXtremes. However, it is no longer the case that only threshold excess models are implemented, so the ‘tex’ bit doesn't make sense. So, the package is called ‘texmex’ because it used to be called ‘texmex’.
: Fit extreme value distributions to data, possibly with
covariates. Use maximum likelihood estimation, maximum penalized likelihood
estimation, simulate from the posterior distribution or run a parametric
bootstrap. Extreme value families include the generalized Pareto
distribution (gpd
) and generalized extreme value (gev
: Fit multiple, independent generalized Pareto models to
the the upper tails of the columns of a data set, and estimate the
conditional dependence structure between the columns using the method of
Heffernan and Tawn.
: Bootstrap estimation for parameters in generalized
Pareto models and in the dependence structure.
: Estimation of extremal index and subsequent
declustering of dependent sequences using the intervals estimator of Ferro
and Segers.
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan, Paul D. Metcalfe
Maintainer: Harry Southworth <[email protected]>
URL: https://github.com/harrysouthworth/texmex
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004.
C.A.T Ferro and J. Segers, Inference for Clusters of Extreme Values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 65, 545 – 556, 2003.
# Analyse the winter data used by Heffernan and Tawn mymex <- mex(winter, mqu = .7, penalty="none", dqu=.7, which = "NO") plot(mymex) # Only do 10 replicates to keep CRAN checks happy. Do many more in any # real application myboot <- bootmex(mymex, R=10) plot(myboot) mypred <- predict(myboot, pqu=.95) summary(mypred , probs = c( .025, .5, .975 )) # Analyse the liver data included in the package library(MASS) # For the rlm function liver <- liver[liver$ALP.M > 1,] # Get rid of outlier liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose) alt <- resid(rlm(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) ast <- resid(rlm(log(AST.M) ~ log(AST.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) alp <- resid(rlm(log(ALP.M) ~ log(ALP.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) tbl <- resid(rlm(log(TBL.M) ~ log(TBL.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) r <- data.frame(alt=alt, ast=ast, alp=alp, tbl=tbl) Amex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "A",], mqu=.7) Bmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "B",], mqu=.7) Cmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "C",], mqu=.7) Dmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "D",], mqu=.7) par(mfcol=c(3,3)) plot(Amex) plot(Dmex, col="blue") ## Take a closer look at the marginal behaviour of ALT r$ndose <- liver$ndose altmod1 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, phi = ~ ndose, xi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod2 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, phi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod3 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod4 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, data=r) # Prefer model 3, with term for xi on basis of AIC balt3 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose, data=r, method="simulate") par(mfrow=c(3,3)) plot(balt3) # use longer burn-in and also thin the output balt3 <- thinAndBurn(balt3,burn=1000,thin=5) plot(balt3) # Get some simulated values for dose D DParam <- predict(balt3,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4),all=TRUE)$obj$link[[1]] simD <- rgpd(nrow(DParam), sigma=exp(DParam[,"phi"]), xi=DParam[,"xi"], u=quantile(alt, .7)) # These are simulated residuals. Get some baselines and transform all # to raw scale b <- sample(log(liver$ALT.M), size=nrow(balt3$param), replace=TRUE) res <- exp(b + simD) # estimate quantiles on raw scale quantile(res, prob=c(.5, .75, .9, .95, .99)) # estimate proportion exceeding 3*upper limit of normal mean(res > # 36 * 3) # 36 is the upper limit of normal for ALT
# Analyse the winter data used by Heffernan and Tawn mymex <- mex(winter, mqu = .7, penalty="none", dqu=.7, which = "NO") plot(mymex) # Only do 10 replicates to keep CRAN checks happy. Do many more in any # real application myboot <- bootmex(mymex, R=10) plot(myboot) mypred <- predict(myboot, pqu=.95) summary(mypred , probs = c( .025, .5, .975 )) # Analyse the liver data included in the package library(MASS) # For the rlm function liver <- liver[liver$ALP.M > 1,] # Get rid of outlier liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose) alt <- resid(rlm(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) ast <- resid(rlm(log(AST.M) ~ log(AST.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) alp <- resid(rlm(log(ALP.M) ~ log(ALP.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) tbl <- resid(rlm(log(TBL.M) ~ log(TBL.B) + ndose, data=liver, method="MM")) r <- data.frame(alt=alt, ast=ast, alp=alp, tbl=tbl) Amex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "A",], mqu=.7) Bmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "B",], mqu=.7) Cmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "C",], mqu=.7) Dmex <- mex(r[liver$dose == "D",], mqu=.7) par(mfcol=c(3,3)) plot(Amex) plot(Dmex, col="blue") ## Take a closer look at the marginal behaviour of ALT r$ndose <- liver$ndose altmod1 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, phi = ~ ndose, xi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod2 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, phi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod3 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose, data=r) altmod4 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, data=r) # Prefer model 3, with term for xi on basis of AIC balt3 <- evm(alt, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose, data=r, method="simulate") par(mfrow=c(3,3)) plot(balt3) # use longer burn-in and also thin the output balt3 <- thinAndBurn(balt3,burn=1000,thin=5) plot(balt3) # Get some simulated values for dose D DParam <- predict(balt3,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4),all=TRUE)$obj$link[[1]] simD <- rgpd(nrow(DParam), sigma=exp(DParam[,"phi"]), xi=DParam[,"xi"], u=quantile(alt, .7)) # These are simulated residuals. Get some baselines and transform all # to raw scale b <- sample(log(liver$ALT.M), size=nrow(balt3$param), replace=TRUE) res <- exp(b + simD) # estimate quantiles on raw scale quantile(res, prob=c(.5, .75, .9, .95, .99)) # estimate proportion exceeding 3*upper limit of normal mean(res > # 36 * 3) # 36 is the upper limit of normal for ALT
Accurately compute (exp(x) - 1) / x
x |
numeric vector |
numeric vector
Accurately compute log(1-exp(x))
x |
numeric vector |
a numeric vector
Accurately compute log(1 + x) / x
x |
numeric vector |
numeric vector
This is a common pattern in much of the distribution code, so it's worth factoring out.
.specfun.safe.product(x, y)
.specfun.safe.product(x, y)
x |
a numeric vector |
y |
a numeric vector |
an appropriate numeric vector
Annotate a threshold selection ggplot with the number of exceedances of various thresholds.
addExcesses(p, x, y, data, textsize)
addExcesses(p, x, y, data, textsize)
p |
An object produced by ggplot |
x |
Horizontal axis data containing the full range. |
y |
Verticle axis data containing the full range. |
data |
The actual data being considered for GPD modelling. |
textsize |
The size of the text in the annotations. |
Compute AIC and (approximate) DIC for evmOpt
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' AIC(object, penalized = FALSE, nsamp = 1000, DIC, WAIC, ..., k = 2)
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' AIC(object, penalized = FALSE, nsamp = 1000, DIC, WAIC, ..., k = 2)
object |
fit model object |
penalized |
whether to use the penalized log-likelihood |
nsamp |
Number of approximate Gaussian sample to use in computing DIC.
Defaults to |
Logical. Whether to compute DIC. Defaults to |
Logical. Whether to compute WAIC. Defaults to |
... |
other arguments currently ignored |
k |
numeric, the penalty per parameter to be used; the
default |
If the object has class 'evmOpt', nsamp
random draws are
made from the Gaussian distribution with mean and covariance inferred from
the model object. The result will be an approximate DIC. Note that AIC should
not be trusted if priors are not flat. For example, if you use a regularizing
prior on xi, say xi ~ N(0, 0.25), AIC can be misleading and DIC should be
preferred. If the object has class 'evmSim', the actual posterior draws are
used in the computation. Also note that sometimes the optimizer returns
an approximatae covariance that is not postive-semidefinite, in which case
the DIC will be reported as NA.
The AIC and DIC
Bootstrap a conditional multivariate extreme values model following the method of Heffernan and Tawn, 2004.
bootmex(x, R = 100, nPass=3, trace=10,referenceMargin=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'bootmex' plot(x, plots = "gpd", main = "", ...) ## S3 method for class 'bootmex' print(x, ...)
bootmex(x, R = 100, nPass=3, trace=10,referenceMargin=NULL) ## S3 method for class 'bootmex' plot(x, plots = "gpd", main = "", ...) ## S3 method for class 'bootmex' print(x, ...)
x |
An object of class "mex" as returned by function |
R |
The number of bootstrap runs to perform. Defaults to |
nPass |
An integer. Sometimes, particularly with small samples, the estimation process fails with some bootstrap samples. The function checks which runs fail and takes additional bootstrap samples in an attempt to get parameter estimates. By default, it has nPass=3 attempts at this before giving up. |
trace |
How often to inform the user of progress. Defaults to
referenceMargin |
Optional set of reference marginal distributions to use
for marginal transformation if the data's own marginal distribution is not
appropriate (for instance if only data for which one variable is large is
available, the marginal distributions of the other variables will not be
represented by the available data). This object can be created from a
combination of datasets and fitted GPDs using the function
plots |
What type of diagnostic plots to produce. Defaults to "gpd" in which case gpd parameter estimate plots are produced otherwise plots are made for the dependence parameters. |
main |
Title for plots. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to methods. |
Details of the bootstrap method are given by Heffernan and Tawn (2004). The procedure is semi-parametric.
Firstly, values of all variables are simulated independently from the
parametric Gumbel or Laplace distributions (depending on the choice of
in the original call to mex
). The sample size
and data dimension match that of the original data set. Then an empirical
bootstrap sample is generated from the original data after its
transformation to the Gumbel/Laplace scale. Again, sample size and structure
match the original data set. The empirical bootstrap samples from each
margin are then sorted, and then replaced by their corresponding values from
the sorted Gumbel/Laplace samples. This procedure preserves the dependence
structure of the empirical bootstrap sample while ensuring the marginal
properties of the resulting semi-parametric bootstrap sample are those of
the parametric Gumbel/Laplace distribution.
The simulated, ordered Laplace/Gumbel sample is then transformed to the scale of the original data by using the Probability Integral Transform. Values beneath the original thresholds for fitting of the GPD tail models are transformed by using the empirical distribution functions and for values above these thresholds, the fitted GPDs are used. This completes the semi-parametric bootstrap from the data.
Parameter estimation is then carried out as follows: The parameters in the generalized Pareto distributions are estimated by using the bootrap data, these data are then transformed to the Laplace/Gumbel scale using the orginal threshold, their empirical distribution function and these estimated GPD parameters. The variables in the dependence structure of these variables are then estimated.
Note that maximum likelihood estimation will often fail for small samples
when the generalized Pareto distribution is being fit. Therefore it will
often be useful to use penalized likelihood estimation. The function
does whatever was done in the call to migpd
that generated the object with which it is being called.
Also note that sometimes (again, usually with small data sets) all of the
simulated Laplace/Gumbel random numbers will be beneath the threshold for
the conditioning variable. Such samples are abandoned by bootmex
a new sample is generated. This probably introduces some bias into the
resulting bootstrap distributions.
The plot
method produces histograms of bootstrap gpd parameters (the
default) or scatterplots of dependence parameters with the point estimates
for the original data shown.
By design, there is no coef
method. The bootstrapping is done to
account for uncertainty. It is not obvious that adjusting the parameters for
the mean bias is the correct thing to do.
An object of class 'bootmex'. Print and plot functions are available.
Harry Southworth
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004
, mexDependence
, predict.mex
mymex <- mex(winter , mqu = .7, dqu = .7, which = "NO") myboot <- bootmex(mymex) myboot plot(myboot,plots="gpd") plot(myboot,plots="dependence")
mymex <- mex(winter , mqu = .7, dqu = .7, which = "NO") myboot <- bootmex(mymex) myboot plot(myboot,plots="gpd") plot(myboot,plots="dependence")
Compute measures of extremal dependence for 2 variables.
chi(data, nq = 100, qlim = NULL, alpha = 0.05, trunc = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'chi' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.chi' print(x, digits=3, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' plot(x, show=c("Chi"=TRUE,"ChiBar"=TRUE), lty=1, cilty=2, col=1, spcases=TRUE, cicol=1, xlim=c(0, 1), ylimChi = c(-1, 1), ylimChiBar = c(-1, 1), mainChi = "Chi", mainChiBar = "Chi Bar", xlab = "Quantile", ylabChi = expression(chi(u)), ylabChiBar = expression(bar(chi)(u)), ask, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' ggplot(data=NULL, mapping, xlab = "Quantile", ylab=c("ChiBar" = expression(bar(chi)(u)), "Chi" = expression(chi(u))), main=c("ChiBar" = "Chi Bar", "Chi" = "Chi"), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim =list("Chi" = c(-1, 1),"ChiBar" = c(-1, 1)), ptcol="blue",fill="orange",show=c("ChiBar"=TRUE,"Chi"=TRUE), spcases = TRUE,plot., ..., environment)
chi(data, nq = 100, qlim = NULL, alpha = 0.05, trunc = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'chi' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.chi' print(x, digits=3, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' plot(x, show=c("Chi"=TRUE,"ChiBar"=TRUE), lty=1, cilty=2, col=1, spcases=TRUE, cicol=1, xlim=c(0, 1), ylimChi = c(-1, 1), ylimChiBar = c(-1, 1), mainChi = "Chi", mainChiBar = "Chi Bar", xlab = "Quantile", ylabChi = expression(chi(u)), ylabChiBar = expression(bar(chi)(u)), ask, ...) ## S3 method for class 'chi' ggplot(data=NULL, mapping, xlab = "Quantile", ylab=c("ChiBar" = expression(bar(chi)(u)), "Chi" = expression(chi(u))), main=c("ChiBar" = "Chi Bar", "Chi" = "Chi"), xlim = c(0, 1), ylim =list("Chi" = c(-1, 1),"ChiBar" = c(-1, 1)), ptcol="blue",fill="orange",show=c("ChiBar"=TRUE,"Chi"=TRUE), spcases = TRUE,plot., ..., environment)
data |
A matrix containing 2 numeric columns. |
nq |
The number of quantiles at which to evaluate the dependence measures. |
qlim |
The minimum and maximum quantiles at which to do the evaluation. |
alpha |
The size of the confidence interval to be used. Defaults to
trunc |
Logical flag indicating whether the estimates should be
truncated at their theoretical bounds. Defaults to |
x , object
An object of class |
digits |
Number of digits for printing. |
show |
Logical, of length 2, names "Chi" and "ChiBar". Defaults to |
lty , cilty , col , cicol
Line types and colours for the the estimated quantities and their confidence intervals. |
xlim , ylimChi , ylimChiBar
Limits for the axes. |
mainChi , mainChiBar
Main titles for the plots. |
xlab , ylabChi , ylabChiBar
Axis labels for the plots. |
mapping , ylab , main , ylim , ptcol , fill , environment
Arguments to ggplot methods. |
spcases |
Whether or not to plot special cases of perfect (positive and
negative) dependence and indpenendence. Defaults to |
plot. |
whether to plot to active graphics device. |
ask |
Whether or not to ask before reusing the graphics device. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to methods. |
Computes the functions chi and chi-bar described by Coles, Heffernan and Tawn (1999). The limiting values of these functions as the quantile approaches 1 give an empirical measure of the type and strength of tail dependendce exhibited by the data.
A limiting value of ChiBar equal to 1 indicates Asymptotic Dependence, in which case the limiting value of Chi gives a measure of the strength of dependence in this class. A limiting value of ChiBar of less than 1 indicates Asymptotic Independence in which case Chi is irrelevant and the limiting value of ChiBar gives a measure of the strength of dependence.
The plot and ggplot methods show the ChiBar and Chi functions. In the case of the confidence interval for ChiBar excluding the value 1 for all of the largest quantiles, the plot of the Chi function is shown in grey.
An object of class chi
containing the following.
chi |
Values of chi and their estimated upper and lower confidence limits. |
chibar |
Values of chibar and their estimated upper and lower confidence limits. |
quantile |
The quantiles at which chi and chi-bar were evaluated. |
chiulb , chibarulb
Upper and lower bounds for chi and chi-bar. |
When the data contain ties, the values of chi and chibar are
calculated by assigning distinct ranks to tied values using the rank
function with argument ties.method = "first"
. This results in the
values of chi and chibar being sensitive to the order in which the tied
values appear in the data.
The code is a fairly simple reorganization of code written by Janet E.
Heffernan and Alec Stephenson and which appears in the chiplot
function in the evd
Janet E. Heffernan, Alec Stephenson, Harry Southworth
S. Coles, J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, Dependence measures for extreme values analyses, Extremes, 2, 339 – 365, 1999.
A. G. Stephenson. evd: Extreme Value Distributions, R News, 2, 2002.
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] chiD <- chi(D[, 5:6]) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) ggplot(chiD) A <- liver[liver$dose == "A",] chiA <- chi(A[, 5:6]) # here the limiting value of chi bar(u) lies away from one so the chi plot is # not relevant and is plotted in grey ggplot(chiA)
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] chiD <- chi(D[, 5:6]) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) ggplot(chiD) A <- liver[liver$dose == "A",] chiA <- chi(A[, 5:6]) # here the limiting value of chi bar(u) lies away from one so the chi plot is # not relevant and is plotted in grey ggplot(chiA)
Returns the copula of several random variables.
copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## Default S3 method: copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' copula(x, na.last = NA, ...)
copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## Default S3 method: copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' copula(x, na.last = NA, ...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' copula(x, na.last = NA, ...)
x |
A matrix or data.frame containing numeric variables. |
na.last |
How to treat missing values. See |
... |
further arguments |
The result is obtained by applying edf
to each column of
in turn.
Print and plot methods are available for the copula class.
A matrix with the same dimensions as x
, each column of which
contains the quantiles of each column of x
. This object is of class
: default method
: data frame method
: matrix method
Harry Southworth
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] Dco <- copula(D) plot(Dco)
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] Dco <- copula(D) plot(Dco)
Cross-validation for a model object
cv(object, folds = 10, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' plot(x, y, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' ggplot(data, mapping = NULL, ..., environment = parent.frame())
cv(object, folds = 10, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' plot(x, y, ...) ## S3 method for class 'cv' ggplot(data, mapping = NULL, ..., environment = parent.frame())
object |
A model object. |
folds |
The number of cross-validation folds to use. Defaults to
... |
Other arguments to be passed through to methods. |
x , y
Arguments to plot method. |
data , mapping , environment
Arguments ggplot method. |
The function is generic. At present, only objects of class 'evmOpt',
as returned by texmex::evm
can be used.
Cross-validation for the shape parameter in an extreme values model
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' cv( object, folds = 10, ..., penalty = "gaussian", range = seq(1, 25, length.out = 25), shape = NULL )
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' cv( object, folds = 10, ..., penalty = "gaussian", range = seq(1, 25, length.out = 25), shape = NULL )
object |
An object of class 'evmOpt' as returned by |
folds |
Integer giving the number of cross-validation folds to use.
Defaults to |
... |
Not used. |
penalty |
String specifying the type of penalty to use. Defaults to
range |
A sequence of values for the penalty parameter. Defaults to
shape |
String giving the name of the shape parameter. Defaults to
Only the shape parameter is assumed to be penalized. The penalty can be thought of in terms of the variance of a prior distribution, which is equivalent to a quadratic penalty. Because the shape parameter will usually be between -1/2 and 1/2, a prior N(0, 1/16) distribution will likely be a good starting point, so values that span 16 will usually be appropriate.
Note that the procedure appears to frequently prefer larger penalties over smaller ones, effectively driving the shape parameter to zero. However, if you are fitting distributions that can model long tails, there is probably a good reason for that and you should use your prior knowledge to determine if non-zero values of the shape are plausible, rather than rely solely on an automated procedure.
Also note that small numbers of observations can have a big impact on
parameter estimates. Because cross-validation involves randomly assigning
values to folds, the results are generally different from one run to
the next. These to features combined can produce quite big differences
between cross-validation runs and it is advisable to use either
leave-one-out (by setting folds
to be the same as the length of
the data), or to run the procedure several times and average over them.
@note At present, only models without covariates are implemented.
Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the EGP3 distribution of Papastathopoulos and Tawn
degp3(x, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, log.d = FALSE) pegp3(q, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qegp3(p, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) regp3(n, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0)
degp3(x, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, log.d = FALSE) pegp3(q, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qegp3(p, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) regp3(n, kappa = 1, sigma, xi, u = 0)
x , q , p
Value, quantile or probability respectively. |
kappa |
The power parameter (Papastathopoulos and Tawn call it the shape parameter and call what we call the shape parameter the tail index.) |
sigma |
Scale parameter. |
xi |
Shape parameter. |
u |
Threshold |
log.d , log.p
Whether or not to work on the log scale. |
lower.tail |
Whether to return the lower tail. |
n |
Number of random numbers to simulate. |
Harry Southworth
I. Papastathopoulos and J. A. Tawn, Extended generalized Pareto modles for tail estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 131 – 143, 2013
x <- regp3(1000, kappa=2, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- regp3(1000, kappa=2, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pegp3(x, kappa=2, sigma=1, xi=.5))
x <- regp3(1000, kappa=2, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- regp3(1000, kappa=2, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pegp3(x, kappa=2, sigma=1, xi=.5))
Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized extreme value distribution
dgev(x, mu, sigma, xi, log.d = FALSE) pgev(q, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgev(p, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgev(n, mu, sigma, xi)
dgev(x, mu, sigma, xi, log.d = FALSE) pgev(q, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgev(p, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgev(n, mu, sigma, xi)
x , q , p
Value, quantile or probability respectively. |
mu |
Location parameter. |
sigma |
Scale parameter. |
xi |
Shape parameter. |
log.d , log.p
Whether or not to work on the log scale. |
lower.tail |
Whether to return the lower tail. |
n |
Number of random numbers to simulate. |
Random number generation is done as a transformation of the Gumbel distribution; Gumbel random variates are generated as the negative logarithm of standard exponentials.
Harry Southworth
x <- rgev(1000, mu=0, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- rgev(1000, mu=0, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pgev(x, mu=0, sigma=1, xi=.5))
x <- rgev(1000, mu=0, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- rgev(1000, mu=0, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pgev(x, mu=0, sigma=1, xi=.5))
Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized Pareto distribution
dgpd(x, sigma, xi, u = 0, log.d = FALSE) pgpd(q, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgpd(p, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgpd(n, sigma, xi, u = 0)
dgpd(x, sigma, xi, u = 0, log.d = FALSE) pgpd(q, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgpd(p, sigma, xi, u = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgpd(n, sigma, xi, u = 0)
x , q , p
Value, quantile or probability respectively. |
sigma |
Scale parameter. |
xi |
Shape parameter. |
u |
Threshold |
log.d , log.p
Whether or not to work on the log scale. |
lower.tail |
Whether to return the lower tail. |
n |
Number of random numbers to simulate. |
Random number generation is done by transformation of a standard exponential.
Janet E Heffernan, Paul Metcalfe, Harry Southworth
x <- rgpd(1000, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- rgpd(1000, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pgpd(x, sigma=1, xi=.5))
x <- rgpd(1000, sigma=1, xi=.5) hist(x) x <- rgpd(1000, sigma=exp(rnorm(1000, 1, .25)), xi=rnorm(1000, .5, .2)) hist(x) plot(pgpd(x, sigma=1, xi=.5))
Density, distribution and quantile functions, and random number generation for the Gumbel distribution
dgumbel(x, mu, sigma, log.d = FALSE) rgumbel(n, mu, sigma) pgumbel(q, mu, sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgumbel(p, mu, sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
dgumbel(x, mu, sigma, log.d = FALSE) rgumbel(n, mu, sigma) pgumbel(q, mu, sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgumbel(p, mu, sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
x , q , p
Vectors of quantiles or probabilities. |
mu |
The location parameter. |
sigma |
The scale parameter. |
log.d , log.p
Whether to return logged values, or to treat probabilities/densities as being logged. |
n |
The number of observations. |
lower.tail |
Whether to return the lower tail. If |
Compute the empirical distribution function
edf(x, na.last = NA)
edf(x, na.last = NA)
x |
A numeric vector |
na.last |
How to treat missing values. See |
A vector of quantiles relating to the observations in x
Harry Southworth
plot(winter$NO, edf(winter$NO))
plot(winter$NO, edf(winter$NO))
Estimate extended generalized Pareto distribution power parameter over a range of values, using maximum (penalized) likelihood.
egp3RangeFit(data, umin=quantile(data, .05), umax=quantile(data, .95), nint = 10, penalty = "gaussian", priorParameters = NULL, alpha=0.05) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' plot(x, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "kappa", main = NULL, addNexcesses=TRUE, log.="", ...) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = expression(kappa), main=NULL,fill="orange", col="blue",addNexcesses=TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
egp3RangeFit(data, umin=quantile(data, .05), umax=quantile(data, .95), nint = 10, penalty = "gaussian", priorParameters = NULL, alpha=0.05) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' plot(x, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "kappa", main = NULL, addNexcesses=TRUE, log.="", ...) ## S3 method for class 'egp3RangeFit' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = expression(kappa), main=NULL,fill="orange", col="blue",addNexcesses=TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
data |
The data vector to be modelled. |
umin |
The minimum threshold above which to estimate the parameters. |
umax |
The maximum threshold above which to estimate the parameters. |
nint |
The number of thresholds at which to perform the estimation. |
penalty |
The type of penalty to be used in the maximum penalized likelihood estimation. Should be either "gaussian" or "none". Defaults to "gaussian". |
priorParameters |
Parameters to be used for the penalty function. See
the help for |
alpha |
100(1 - alpha)% confidence intervals will be plotted with the
point estimates. Defaults to |
x |
Argument to the |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis. |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis. |
main |
The main title. |
textsize |
Size of text for annotation showing number of threshold excesses. |
addNexcesses |
Annotate top axis with numbers of threshold excesses arising with the corresponding values of threshold on the bottom axis. |
log. |
Argument passed through to |
mapping , fill , col , environment
Arguments to ggplot method. |
... |
Arguments to |
Papastathopoulos and Tawn present 3 extended versions of the generalized
Pareto distribution. Using the egp3
texmex family object, the power
parameter in the EGP3 distribution is estimated on the log scale, a
confidence interval is calculated and the result is transformed back to the
scale of the power parameter and returned to the user.
When the power paramer, kappa, is equal to 1, the EPG3 distribution is identical to the generalized Pareto distribution. Therefore, the plot of the estimated parameter over a range of thresholds provides a diagnostic for threshold selection: the lowest value of kappa whose confidence interval includes 1 is suggested as the threshold for generalized Pareto modelling.
If lower thresholds are used and the EGP3 distribution itself is used for modelling, some care should be taken to ensure the model provides a reasonable degree of fit to the data. Limited experience suggests that such models seldom fit well and the main value of the EGP3 distribution is as a diagnostic for threshold selection as described here.
Note this function does not extend to assessing model fit when there are covariates included in the model.
Harry Southworth
I. Papastathopoulos and J. A. Tawn, Extended generalized Pareto modles for tail estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 131 – 143, 2013
# because of the time it takes to run erf <- egp3RangeFit(rain) plot(erf) ggplot(erf)
# because of the time it takes to run erf <- egp3RangeFit(rain) plot(erf) ggplot(erf)
Calculate upper end point for fitted extreme value model
endPoint(y, verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' endPoint(y,verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' endPoint(y,verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...)
endPoint(y, verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' endPoint(y,verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' endPoint(y,verbose=TRUE, .unique=TRUE, ...)
y |
Object of class |
verbose |
Whether to print output. |
.unique |
Whether or not to use only unique values of |
... |
further arguments to be passed to the |
In cases where the fitted shape parameter is negative, the fitted finite upper endpoint of the extreme value model.
Janet E. Heffernan
Likelihood based modelling and inference for extreme value models, possibly with explanatory variables.
evm(y, data = NULL, ...) evmReal(y, data) evm.default( y, data = NULL, family = gpd, th = -Inf, qu, ..., penalty = NULL, prior = "gaussian", method = "optimize", cov = "observed", start = NULL, priorParameters = NULL, maxit = 10000, trace = NULL, iter = 40500, burn = 500, thin = 4, chains = 1, proposal.dist = c("gaussian", "cauchy"), jump.cov, jump.const = NULL, R = 1000, cores = NULL, export = NULL, verbose = TRUE, call = NULL )
evm(y, data = NULL, ...) evmReal(y, data) evm.default( y, data = NULL, family = gpd, th = -Inf, qu, ..., penalty = NULL, prior = "gaussian", method = "optimize", cov = "observed", start = NULL, priorParameters = NULL, maxit = 10000, trace = NULL, iter = 40500, burn = 500, thin = 4, chains = 1, proposal.dist = c("gaussian", "cauchy"), jump.cov, jump.const = NULL, R = 1000, cores = NULL, export = NULL, verbose = TRUE, call = NULL )
y |
Either a numeric vector, the name of a variable in |
data |
A data frame containing |
... |
In |
family |
An object of class 'texmexFamily'. Defaults to
th |
For threshold excess models (such as when |
qu |
An alternative to |
penalty |
How to penalize the likelhood. Currently, either "none"",
"gaussian"" or "lasso"" are the only allowed values. If |
prior |
If |
method |
Should be either "optimize" (the default), "simulate" or
"bootstrap". The first letter or various abbreviations will do. If
'optimize' is used, the (penalized) likelihood is directly optimized using
cov |
How to compute the covariance matrix of the parameters. Defaults
to In some cases, particularly with small samples, the numerical approximation
can be quite different from the closed form ( |
start |
Starting values for the parameters, to be passed to
priorParameters |
A list with two components. The first should be a
vector of means, the second should be a covariance matrix if the
penalty/prior is "gaussian" or "quadratic" and a diagonal precision matrix
if the penalty/prior is "lasso", "L1" or "Laplace". If |
maxit |
The number of iterations allowed in |
trace |
Whether or not to print progress to screen. If |
iter |
Number of simulations to generate under |
burn |
The number of initial steps to be discarded. Defaults to 500. |
thin |
The degree of thinning of the resulting Markov chains. Defaults to 4 (one in every 4 steps is retained). |
chains |
The number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 1. If you run more than 1, the function tries to figure out how to do it in parallel using as many cores as there are chains. |
proposal.dist |
The proposal distribution to use, either multivariate gaussian or a multivariate Cauchy. |
jump.cov |
Covariance matrix for proposal distribution of Metropolis
algorithm. This is scaled by |
jump.const |
Control parameter for the Metropolis algorithm. |
R |
The number of parametric bootstrap samples to run when |
cores |
The number of cores to use when bootstrapping. Defaults to
export |
Character vector of names of objects to export if parallel
processing is being used and you are using objects from outside of
texmex. It it passed to |
verbose |
Whether or not to print progress to screen. Defaults to
call |
Used internally, defaults to |
The main modelling function is evm
(extreme value model) and the
distribution to be used is specified by passing an object of class
to the family
The default texmexFamily
object used by evm
is gpd
Currently, the other texmexFamily
objects available are gev
which results in fitting a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution to
the data, gpdIntCensored
which can be used to fit the GPD to data which has
been rounded to a given number of decimal places by recognisiing the data as
interval censored, and egp3
which fits the extended generalized Pareto
distribution version 3 of Papastathopoulos and Tawn (2013).
See Coles (2001) for an introduction to extreme value modelling and the GPD and GEV models.
For the GPD model, we use the following parameterisation of evm:
for and
For the GEV model, we use:
In each case, the scale parameter is sigma () and the shape
parameter is xi (
). The GEV distribution also has location
parameter mu (
). See Papastathopoulos and Tawn (2013) for
specification of the EGP3 model.
Working with the log of the scale parameter improves the stability of
computations, makes a quadratic penalty more appropriate and enables the
inclusion of covariates in the model for the scale parameter, which must
remain positive. We therefore work with =log(
). All
specification of priors or penalty functions refer to
rather than
. A quadratic penalty can be thought of as a Gaussian prior
distribution, whence the terminology of the function.
Parameters of the evm are estimated by using maximum (penalized) likelihood
(method = "optimize"
), or by simulating from the posterior
distribution of the model parameters using a Metropolis algorithm
(method = "simulate"
). In the latter case, start
is used as a
starting value for the Metropolis algorithm; in its absence, the maximum
penalized likelhood point estimates are computed and used.
A boostrap approach is also available (method = "bootstrap"
). This
runs a parametric bootstrap, simulating from the model fit by optimization.
When method = "simulate"
the print
and summary
functions give posterior means and standard deviations. Posterior means are
also returned by the coef
method. Depending on what you want to do
and what the posterior distributions look like (use plot
method) you
might want to work with quantiles of the posterior distributions instead of
relying on standard errors.
When method = "bootstrap"
, summaries of the bootstrap distribution
and the bootstrap estimate of bias are displayed.
If method = "optimize"
, an object of class evmOpt
call |
The call to |
data |
The original data (above and below the threshold for fitting if
a distribution for threshold excesses has been used). In detail, |
convergence |
Output from
message |
A message telling the user whether or not convergence was achieved. |
threshold |
The threshold of the data above which the evmSim model was fit. |
penalty |
The type of penalty function used, if any. |
coefficients |
The parameter estimates as computed under maximum likelihood or maximum penalized likelihood. |
rate |
The proportion of observations above the threshold. If the model is not a threshold exceedance model (e.g. the GEV model), the rate will be 1. |
priorParameters |
See above. |
residuals |
Residuals computed using the residual function in the
ploglik |
The value of the optimized penalized log-likelihood. |
loglik |
The value of the
optimized (unpenalized) log-likelihood. If |
cov |
The estimated covariance of the parameters in the model. |
se |
The estimated standard errors of the parameters in the model. |
xlevels |
A named list
containing a named list for each design matrix (main parameter) in the
model. Each list contians an element named after each factor in the linear
predictor for the respective design matrix. These are used by the
If method = "simulate"
, an object of class evmSim
call |
The call to |
threshold |
The threshold above which the model was fit. |
map |
The point estimates found by maximum penalized likelihood and
which were used as the starting point for the Markov chain. This is of
class |
burn |
The number of steps of the Markov chain that are to be treated as the burn-in and not used in inferences. |
thin |
The degree of thinning used. |
chains |
The entire Markov chain generated by the Metropolis algorithm. |
y |
The response data above the threshold for fitting. |
seed |
The seed used by the random number generator. |
param |
The remainder of the chain after deleting the burn-in and applying any thinning. |
If method = "bootstrap"
, an object of class evmBoot
call |
The call to |
replicates |
The parameter estimates from the bootstrap fits. |
map |
The fit by by maximum penalized likelihood to the orginal data.
This is of class |
There are summary, plot, print, residuals and coefficients methods available for these classes.
For both GPD and GEV models, when there are estimated values of
, the regularity conditions of the likelihood break down
and inference based on approximate standard errors cannot be performed. In
this case, the most fruitful approach to inference appears to be by the
bootstrap. It might be possible to simulate from the posterior, but finding
a good proposal distribution might be difficult and you should take care to
get an acceptance rate that is reasonably high (around 40% when there are
no covariates, lower otherwise). To constrain the parameter space of the GP
shape parameter, use
family = cgpd
in the call to evm
the transformation = log(
+ 0.5) is used, as suggested
by Yee and Stephenson (2007).
Janet E. Heffernan, Harry Southworth. Some of the internal code is
based on the gpd.fit
function in the ismev
package and is due
to Stuart Coles.
S. Coles. An Introduction to Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values. Springer, 2001.
I. Papastathopoulos and J. A. Tawn, Extended generalised Pareto models for tail estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 131 - 143, 2013.
T. W. Yee and A. G. Stephenson, Vector generalized linear and additive extreme value models, Extremes, 10, 1 – 19, 2007.
, predict.evmOpt
#mod <- evm(rain, th=30) #mod #par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) #plot(mod) mod <- evm(rain, th=30, method="sim") par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) plot(mod) mod <- evm(SeaLevel, data=portpirie, family=gev) mod plot(mod) mod <- evm(SeaLevel, data=portpirie, family=gev, method="sim") par(mfrow=c(3, 3)) plot(mod)
#mod <- evm(rain, th=30) #mod #par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) #plot(mod) mod <- evm(rain, th=30, method="sim") par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) plot(mod) mod <- evm(SeaLevel, data=portpirie, family=gev) mod plot(mod) mod <- evm(SeaLevel, data=portpirie, family=gev, method="sim") par(mfrow=c(3, 3)) plot(mod)
This runs a parametric bootstrap simulating from an optimized model.
evmBoot(o, R=1000, trace=100, cores=NULL, export=NULL, theCall) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' plot(x,col=4,border=NULL,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' coef(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.evmBoot' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' print(x,...)
evmBoot(o, R=1000, trace=100, cores=NULL, export=NULL, theCall) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' plot(x,col=4,border=NULL,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' coef(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.evmBoot' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' print(x,...)
o |
a fit |
R |
the number of parametric bootstrap samples to run |
trace |
the frequency of trace messages |
cores |
The number of coresto use when bootstrapping. Defaults
to |
export |
Character vector of names of variables to export. See the
help file for |
theCall |
(for internal use) |
x |
an |
col |
colour used to fill histogram |
border |
the colour of the border around the bars |
object |
a |
... |
other arguments passed to internal functions |
An object of class evmBoot
; a list with
call |
The call to |
replicates |
The parameter estimates from the bootstrap fits. |
map |
The fit by by maximum penalized likelihood to the original data. |
It is not expected that a user will need to call
this function directly; you are directed to evm
MCMC simulation around an evmOpt fit
evmSim( o, priorParameters, prop.dist, jump.const, jump.cov, iter, start, thin, burn, chains, export = NULL, verbose, trace, theCall, ... )
evmSim( o, priorParameters, prop.dist, jump.const, jump.cov, iter, start, thin, burn, chains, export = NULL, verbose, trace, theCall, ... )
o |
a fit |
priorParameters |
A list with two components. The first should
be a vector of means, the second should be a covariance matrix
if the penalty/prior is "gaussian" or "quadratic" and a
diagonal precision matrix if the penalty/prior is "lasso", "L1"
or "Laplace". If |
prop.dist |
The proposal distribution to use, either multivariate gaussian or a multivariate Cauchy. |
jump.const |
Control parameter for the Metropolis algorithm. |
jump.cov |
Covariance matrix for proposal distribution of
Metropolis algorithm. This is scaled by |
iter |
Number of simulations to generate |
start |
Starting values for the chain; if missing, defaults to
the MAP/ML estimates in |
thin |
The degree of thinning of the resulting Markov chains. |
burn |
The number of initial steps to be discarded. |
chains |
The number of Markov chains to run. Defaults to 1. If you run more, the function will try to figure out how to do it in parallel using the same number of cores as chains. |
export |
Character vector of names of variables to export. See the
help file for |
verbose |
Whether or not to print progress to screen. Defaults
to |
trace |
How frequently to talk to the user |
theCall |
(internal use only) |
... |
ignored |
an object of class evmSim
call |
The call to |
threshold |
The threshold above which the model was fit. |
map |
The point estimates found by maximum penalized
likelihood and which were used as the starting point for the Markov
chain. This is of class |
burn |
The number of steps of the Markov chain that are to be treated as the burn-in and not used in inferences. |
thin |
The degree of thinning used. |
chains |
The entire Markov chain generated by the Metropolis algorithm. |
y |
The response data above the threshold for fitting. |
seed |
The seed used by the random number generator. |
param |
The remainder of the chain after deleting the burn-in and applying any thinning. |
it is not expected that the user should call this directly
Set the seed from a fitted evmSim
object to ensure reproducibility of
x |
An object of class |
Sets the seed to the value used to fit the model.
Harry Southworth
data <- rnorm(1000) mod <- evm(data, qu=.7, method="simulate") evmSimSetSeed(mod) mod1 <- evm(data, qu=.7, method="simulate") # this produces the same MCMC output as mod
data <- rnorm(1000) mod <- evm(data, qu=.7, method="simulate") evmSimSetSeed(mod) mod1 <- evm(data, qu=.7, method="simulate") # this produces the same MCMC output as mod
Given a threshold which defines excesses above that threshold, estimate the extremal index of a dependent sequence by using the method of Ferro and Segers, 2003. The extremal index estimate can then be used to carry out automatic declustering of the sequence to identify independent clusters and estimate the GPD for cluster maxima. Graphical diagnostics of model fit are available.
extremalIndex(y, data = NULL, threshold) extremalIndexRangeFit(y, data = NULL, umin = quantile(y,.5), umax = quantile(y, 0.95), nint = 10, nboot = 100, alpha = .05, estGPD=TRUE, verbose = TRUE, trace = 10, ...) bootExtremalIndex(x) declust(y, r=NULL, data = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' declust(y, r=NULL,...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' plot(x, ylab = "Data",...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' evm(y, data=NULL, family=gpd, ...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndexRangeFit' plot(x,addNexcesses=TRUE,estGPD=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndexRangeFit' ggplot(data=NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ylim = "auto",ptcol="dark blue",col="dark blue",fill="orange", textsize=4,addNexcesses=TRUE,estGPD=TRUE,..., environment)
extremalIndex(y, data = NULL, threshold) extremalIndexRangeFit(y, data = NULL, umin = quantile(y,.5), umax = quantile(y, 0.95), nint = 10, nboot = 100, alpha = .05, estGPD=TRUE, verbose = TRUE, trace = 10, ...) bootExtremalIndex(x) declust(y, r=NULL, data = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' declust(y, r=NULL,...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' plot(x, ylab = "Data",...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' evm(y, data=NULL, family=gpd, ...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndexRangeFit' plot(x,addNexcesses=TRUE,estGPD=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'declustered' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndexRangeFit' ggplot(data=NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ylim = "auto",ptcol="dark blue",col="dark blue",fill="orange", textsize=4,addNexcesses=TRUE,estGPD=TRUE,..., environment)
y |
Argument to function |
data |
A data frame containing |
threshold |
The threshold for |
family |
The type of extreme value model. The user should not change
this from its default in |
x |
Objects passed to methods. |
r |
Positivie integer: run length to be used under "runs" declustering. If specified then so-called "runs" declustering will be carried out, otherwise defaults to NULL in which case the automatic "intervals" declustering method of Ferro and Segers is used. |
umin |
The minimum threshold above which to esimate the parameters. |
umax |
The maximum threshold above which to esimate the parameters. |
nint |
The number of thresholds at which to perform the estimation. |
nboot |
Number of bootstrap samples to simulate at each threshold for estimation. |
alpha |
100(1 - alpha)% confidence intervals will be plotted with the
point estimates. Defaults to |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis (ggplot). |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis (ggplot). |
addNexcesses |
Whether to annotate the top axis of plots with the
number of excesses above the corresponding threhsold. Defaults to
estGPD |
Whether to estimate GPD parameters at each choice of
thereshold – defaults to |
verbose |
Whether to report on progress in RangeFit calculations.
Defaults to |
trace |
How frequently to report bootstrap progress in RangeFit calculations. Defaults to 10. |
mapping , main , ylim , ptcol , col , fill , textsize , environment
Further arguments to ggplot method. |
... |
Further arguments to methods. |
The function extremalIndex
estimates the extremal index of a
dependent series of observations above a given threshold threshold
returning an object of class "extremalIndex". Plot and print methods are
available for this class. A graphical diagnostic akin to Figure 1 in Ferro
and Segers (2003) is produced by the plot
method for this class.
This plot is used to test the model assumption underpinning the estimation,
with good fit being indicated by interexceedance times which correspond to
inter-cluster times lying close to the diagonal line indicated.
In addition to good model fit, an appropriate choice of threshold is one
above which the estimated extremal index is stable over further, higher
thresholds (up to estimation uncertainty). This can be assessed by using
the function extremalIndexRangeFit
, which examines a range of
threshold values. At each threshold, the extremal index is estimated; that
estimate is used to decluster the series and the parameters of the GPD are
optionally estimated for the resulting declustered series. Uncertainty in
the estimation of the extremal index and GPD parameters is assessed by using
a bootstrap scheme which accounts for uncertainty in the extremal index
estimation, and the corresponding uncertainty in the declustering of the
series. There are plot
and ggplot
methods for output of this function, which is of class extremalIndexRangeFit
The function declust
returns an object of class "declustered",
identifying independent clusters in the original series. Print, plot and
show methods are available for this class. The GPD model can be fitted to
objects of this class, including the use of covariates in the linear
predictors for the parameters of the GPD. See examples below.
The function extremalIndex
returns a list of class
EIintervals |
Estimate of the extremal index by using the intervals estimator of Ferro and Segers. |
threshold |
threshold for declustering and estimation |
TotalN |
length of original data series |
nExceed |
number of exceedances of |
thExceedanceProb |
probablity of threshold exceedance in original series. |
call |
the original function call |
interExceedTimes |
times between threshold exceedances |
thExceedances |
observation from the original series which are above
exceedanceTimes |
times of occurrance of threshold exceedances |
y |
original dependent series |
data |
data frame or NULL |
The function declust
returns a list of type "declustered":
clusters |
integer labels assigning threshold exceedances to clusters |
sizes |
number of exceedances in each cluster |
clusterMaxima |
vector made up of the largest observation from each distinct cluster. In the case of ties, the first value is taken. |
isClusterMax |
logical; length equal to number of threshold
exceedances, value is |
y |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
data |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
threshold |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
EIintervals |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
call |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
InterExceedTimes |
times between threshold exceedances, length is one less than the number of threshold exceedances |
InterCluster |
indicates inter exceedance times larger than |
thExceedances |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
exceedanceTimes |
see entry for object of class "extremalIndex" above |
r |
run length used for declustering |
nClusters |
Number of indenendent clusters identified |
method |
Method used for declustering (either "intervals" or "runs") |
The function bootExtremalIndex
return a single vector corersponding
to a bootstrap sample from the original series: observations are censored at
so that values below this threshold are indicated by the
value -1.
The method evm
for class "declustered" returns an object of type
"evmOpt" or "evmSim" depending on the precise function call - see
documentation for evm
Janet E. Heffernan
Ferro, C.A.T. and Segers, J., (2003) "Inference for clusters of Extreme Values", JRSS B 65, Part 2, pp 545–556.
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); extremalIndexRangeFit(summer$O3,nboot=10) ei <- extremalIndex(summer$O3,threshold=45) plot(ei) d <- declust(ei) plot(d) evm(d) ## fitting with covariates: so2 <- extremalIndex(SO2,data=winter,threshold=15) plot(so2) so2 <- extremalIndex(SO2,data=winter,threshold=20) plot(so2) ## fits better so2.d <- declust(so2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)); plot(so2.d) so2.d.gpd <- evm(so2.d) # AIC 661.1 evm(so2.d,phi=~NO) evm(so2.d,phi=~NO2) evm(so2.d,phi=~O3) # better AIC 651.9 evm(so2.d,phi=~PM10) so2.d.gpd.o3 <- evm(so2.d,phi=~O3) par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(so2.d.gpd.o3)
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); extremalIndexRangeFit(summer$O3,nboot=10) ei <- extremalIndex(summer$O3,threshold=45) plot(ei) d <- declust(ei) plot(d) evm(d) ## fitting with covariates: so2 <- extremalIndex(SO2,data=winter,threshold=15) plot(so2) so2 <- extremalIndex(SO2,data=winter,threshold=20) plot(so2) ## fits better so2.d <- declust(so2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)); plot(so2.d) so2.d.gpd <- evm(so2.d) # AIC 661.1 evm(so2.d,phi=~NO) evm(so2.d,phi=~NO2) evm(so2.d,phi=~O3) # better AIC 651.9 evm(so2.d,phi=~PM10) so2.d.gpd.o3 <- evm(so2.d,phi=~O3) par(mfrow=c(2,2)); plot(so2.d.gpd.o3)
Fancy plotting for copulas
## S3 method for class 'copula' ggplot( data, mapping = aes(), color = "blue", alpha = 0.7, jitter = FALSE, jitter.factor = 0.05, point.size = 1, smooth = FALSE, smooth.method = "auto", smooth.se = TRUE, smooth.level = 0.95, smooth.formula = y ~ x, legend.position = "none", legend.title = ggplot2::waiver(), diag = FALSE, lower = TRUE, ticks = TRUE, ..., environment = parent.frame() )
## S3 method for class 'copula' ggplot( data, mapping = aes(), color = "blue", alpha = 0.7, jitter = FALSE, jitter.factor = 0.05, point.size = 1, smooth = FALSE, smooth.method = "auto", smooth.se = TRUE, smooth.level = 0.95, smooth.formula = y ~ x, legend.position = "none", legend.title = ggplot2::waiver(), diag = FALSE, lower = TRUE, ticks = TRUE, ..., environment = parent.frame() )
data |
A data.frame. |
mapping |
Not used. |
color |
Defaults to |
alpha |
Defaults to |
jitter |
If |
jitter.factor |
How much jittering to use. Defaults to
point.size |
Defaults to |
smooth |
Defaults to |
smooth.method |
Defaults to |
smooth.se |
Defaults to |
smooth.level |
Defaults to |
smooth.formula |
A formula, defaulting to |
legend.position |
Passed into |
legend.title |
Passed into |
diag |
Defaults to |
lower |
Defaults to |
ticks |
Defaults to |
... |
Not used. |
environment |
Not used. |
Create and display diagnostic plots for a declustered object.
## S3 method for class 'declustered' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = c("blue", "orange"), col = "light blue", plot. = TRUE, ..., environment ) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = "blue", col = "light blue", plot. = TRUE, ..., environment )
## S3 method for class 'declustered' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = c("blue", "orange"), col = "light blue", plot. = TRUE, ..., environment ) ## S3 method for class 'extremalIndex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = "blue", col = "light blue", plot. = TRUE, ..., environment )
data |
An object of class |
mapping |
Not used. |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis. |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis. |
main |
Plot title. |
ptcol |
Colour for points. Defaults to |
col |
Colour for lines. Defaults to |
plot. |
Whether or not to display the output. Defaults to |
... |
Other arguments passed through to underlying plot functions. |
environment |
Not used. |
Diagnostic plots for the replicate estimated parameter values in an evmBoot object
## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, denscol = "light blue", histcol = "dark blue", linecol = "orange", plot.it = TRUE, ..., environment )
## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, denscol = "light blue", histcol = "dark blue", linecol = "orange", plot.it = TRUE, ..., environment )
data |
An object of class 'evmBoot'. |
mapping , environment
ignored |
denscol |
Colour for the densities. Defaults to 'light blue'. |
histcol |
Colour for the histograms. Defaults to 'dark blue'. |
linecol |
Colour for the point estimate lines. Decaults to 'orange'. |
plot.it |
Whether or not to actually print the plots. Defaults
to |
... |
Additional arguments to |
Create and display diagnostic plots for an evm object. See plot.evmOpt
for further details on what is being plotted.
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' ggplot( data, mapping, which = 1:4, main = rep(NULL, 4), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, jitter.width = 0, jitter.height = 0, ptcol = "blue", span = 2/3, col = "light blue", fill = "orange", plot. = TRUE, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, ..., environment )
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' ggplot( data, mapping, which = 1:4, main = rep(NULL, 4), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, jitter.width = 0, jitter.height = 0, ptcol = "blue", span = 2/3, col = "light blue", fill = "orange", plot. = TRUE, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, ..., environment )
data |
An object of class |
mapping , environment
ignored |
which |
Which plots to produce. Defaults to |
main |
Main titles. Should have length 4. |
xlab |
Labels for x-axes. |
nsim |
Number of simulated datasets to create to form tolerance regions. |
alpha |
Used to compute coverage of pointwise confidence intervals. |
jitter.width , jitter.height
Used to control the amount of
jittering of points in the plots of the residuals versus
covariates (when covariates are in the model). Defaults to
ptcol |
Colour for points. Defaults to |
span |
Passed to the loess smoother and defaults to
col |
Colour for lines. Defaults to |
fill |
Colour for confidence regions. Defaults to
plot. |
Whether or not to display the output. Defaults to
ncol |
The number of columns wanted in the resulting
plot. Defaults to |
nrow |
The number of rows wanted in the resulting
plot. Defaults to |
... |
Other arguments passed through to underlying plot functions. |
The function attempts to arrange the plots nicely. If the
output isn't what was wanted, the function returns the graphs
to the user as a list so that the user can use
directly. Also, if you have one or more
covariates in the model and the loess smoother looks wrong, try
setting span=1
Diagnostic plots for the Markov chains in an evmSim object
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, which.plots = 1:3, chain = 1, denscol = "dark blue", acfcol = "light blue", plot.it = TRUE, ..., environment )
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, which.plots = 1:3, chain = 1, denscol = "dark blue", acfcol = "light blue", plot.it = TRUE, ..., environment )
data |
An object of class 'evmSim'. |
mapping , environment
ignored |
which.plots |
Which plots to produce. Density plots correspond to 1, trace plots of the Markov chains to 2 and autocorrelation function plots to 3. |
chain |
An integer indicating which chain to plot (only relevant if there is more than 1 chain). Defaults to 1. If you ran multiple chains, you should look at diagnostics for all of them. |
denscol |
Colour for the density plots. Defaults to 'dark blue'. |
acfcol |
Colour for the ACF plots. Defaults to 'light blue'. |
plot.it |
Whether or not to actually print the plots. Defaults
to |
... |
Additional arguments to |
Fit the conditional multivariate extreme value model of Heffernan and Tawn
## S3 method for class 'mex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, ptcol = "blue", col = "cornflowerblue", fill = "orange", plot. = TRUE, quantiles = seq(0.1, by = 0.2, len = 5), ..., environment ) mex( data, which, mth, mqu, dqu, cov = "numeric", family = gpd, margins = "laplace", constrain = TRUE, v = 10, penalty = "gaussian", maxit = 10000, trace = 0, verbose = FALSE, priorParameters = NULL ) mexAll(data, mqu, dqu) ## S3 method for class 'mexList' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mex' plot(x, quantiles = seq(0.1, by = 0.2, len = 5), col = "grey", ...) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' plot(x, pch = c(1, 3, 20), col = c(2, 8, 3), cex = c(1, 1, 1), ask = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = c("grey", "dark blue", "orange"), col = "dark blue", fill = "orange", shape = 16:18, size = rep(1, 3), plot. = TRUE, ..., environment ) ## S3 method for class 'mex' predict( object, which, pqu = 0.99, nsim = 1000, trace = 10, smoothZdistribution = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' summary(object, mth, probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), ...)
## S3 method for class 'mex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, ptcol = "blue", col = "cornflowerblue", fill = "orange", plot. = TRUE, quantiles = seq(0.1, by = 0.2, len = 5), ..., environment ) mex( data, which, mth, mqu, dqu, cov = "numeric", family = gpd, margins = "laplace", constrain = TRUE, v = 10, penalty = "gaussian", maxit = 10000, trace = 0, verbose = FALSE, priorParameters = NULL ) mexAll(data, mqu, dqu) ## S3 method for class 'mexList' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mex' plot(x, quantiles = seq(0.1, by = 0.2, len = 5), col = "grey", ...) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' plot(x, pch = c(1, 3, 20), col = c(2, 8, 3), cex = c(1, 1, 1), ask = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ptcol = c("grey", "dark blue", "orange"), col = "dark blue", fill = "orange", shape = 16:18, size = rep(1, 3), plot. = TRUE, ..., environment ) ## S3 method for class 'mex' predict( object, which, pqu = 0.99, nsim = 1000, trace = 10, smoothZdistribution = FALSE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' summary(object, mth, probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), ...)
data |
A numeric matrix or data.frame, the columns of which are to be modelled. |
col |
In |
quantiles |
A vector of quantiles taking values between 0 and 1 specifying the quantiles of the conditional distributions which will be plotted. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to methods. |
which |
The variable on which to condition. This can be either scalar, indicating the column number of the conditioning variable, or character, giving the column name of the conditioning variable. |
mth |
Marginal thresholds. In In |
mqu |
Marginal quantiles As an alternative to specifying the marginal
GPD fitting thresholds via |
dqu |
Dependence quantile. Used to specify the quantile at which to
threshold the conditioning variable data when estimating the dependence
parameters. For example |
cov |
String, passed through to |
family |
An object of class "texmexFamily". Should be either
margins |
See documentation for |
constrain |
See documentation for |
v |
See documentation for |
penalty |
How to penalize the likelihood when estimating the marginal
generalized Pareto distributions. Defaults to “gaussian”. See the help
file for |
maxit |
The maximum number of iterations to be used by the optimizer.
defaults to |
trace |
Passed internally to |
verbose |
Whether or not to keep the user informed of progress.
Defaults to |
priorParameters |
Parameters of prior/penalty used for estimation of
the GPD parameters. This is only used if |
x , object
Object of class |
pch , cex
Plotting characters: colours and symbol expansion. The
observed and simulated data are plotted using different symbols, controlled
by these arguments and |
ask |
Whether or not to ask before changing the plot. Defaults to
shape , size , mapping , ptcol , fill , plot. , environment , xlab , ylab , main
Further arguments to plot and ggplot methods. |
pqu |
Prediction quantile. Argument to |
nsim |
Argument to |
smoothZdistribution |
In |
probs |
In |
The function mex
works as follows. First, Generalized Pareto
distributions (GPD) are fitted to the upper tails of each of the marginal
distributions of the data: the GPD parameters are estimated for each column
of the data in turn, independently of all other columns. Then, the
conditional multivariate approach of Heffernan and Tawn is used to model the
dependence between variables. The returned object is of class "mex".
This function is a wrapper for calls to migpd
, which estimate parameters of the marginal and
dependence components of the Heffernan and Tawn model respectively. See
documentation of these functions for details of modelling issues including
the use of penalties / priors, threshold choice and checking for convergence
of parameter estimates.
The plot
method produces diagnostic plots for the fitted dependence
model described by Heffernan and Tawn, 2004. The plots are best viewed by
using the plotting area split by par(mfcol=c(.,.))
rather than
, see examples below. Three diagnostic plots are produced for
each dependent variable:
1) Scatterplots of the residuals Z from the fitted model of Heffernan and
Tawn (2004) are plotted against the quantile of the conditioning variable,
with a lowess curve showing the local mean of these points. 2) The absolute
value of Z-mean(Z)
is also plotted, again with the lowess curve
showing the local mean of these points. Any trend in the location or
scatter of these variables with the conditioning variable indicates a
violation of the model assumption that the residuals Z are indepenendent of
the conditioning variable. This can be indicative of the dependence
threshold used being too low. 3) The final plots show the original data (on
the original scale) and the fitted quantiles (specified by quantiles
of the conditional distribution of each dependent variable given the
conditioning variable. A model that fits well will have good agreement
between the distribution of the raw data (shown by the scatter plot) and the
fitted quantiles. Note that the raw data are a sample from the joint
distribution, whereas the quantiles are those of the estimated conditional
distribution given the value of the conditioning variable, and while these
two distributions should move into the same part of the sample space as the
conditioning variable becomes more extreme, they are not the same thing!
The predict
method for mex
works as follows. The returned
object has class "predict.mex". Simulated values of the dependent variables
are created, given that the conditioning variable is above its 100pqu
quantile. If predict.mex
is passed an object object
of class
then the simulated values are based only on the point estimate
of the dependence model parameters, and the original data. If
is passed an object object
of class
then the returned value additionally contains simulated
replicate data sets corresponding to the bootstrap model parameter
estimates. In both cases, the simulated values based on the original data
and point estimates appear in component object$data$simulated
. The
simulated data from the bootstrap estimates appear in
The plot
method for class "predict.mex"
displays both the
original data and the simulated data generated above the threshold for
prediction; it shows the threshold for prediction (vertical line) and also
the curve joining equal quantiles of the marginal distributions – this is
for reference: variables that are perfectly dependent will lie exactly on
this curve. Original data are shown with one plotting character and
simulated data with another; colours of simulated point distinguish those
points which have the conditioning variable as the largest (on a quantile
scale) or not the largest.
The function mexAll
fits a collection of GPD and conditional
dependence models, the same fitted GPD being used for all of the dependence
model fits. This can be used in turn to generate Monte Carlo samples from
the entire sample space usign the collected dependence models.
A call to mex
returns an list of class mex
the following three items:
margins |
An object of class
dependence |
An object of class
call |
This matches the original function call. |
There are plot
, summary
, coef
and predict
methods for this class.
A call to predict.mex
does the importance sampling for prediction,
and returns a list of class "predict.mex"
for which there are print
and plot methods available. The summary method for this class of object is
intended to be used following a call to the predict method, to estimate
quantiles or probabilities of threshold excesses for the fitted conditional
distributions given the conditioning variable above the threshold for
prediction. See examples below.
There are print
, summary
and plot
methods available for
the class "predict.mex".
The package texmex
is equipped to fit GPD models to the upper
marginal tails only, not the lower tails. This is appropriate for
extrapolating into the tails of any dependent variable when dependence
between this variable and the conditioning variable is positive. In the
case of negative dependence between the conditioning variable and any
dependent variable, estimation of the conditional distribution of the
dependent variable for extreme values of the conditioning variable would
naturally visit the lower tail of the dependent variable. Extrapolation
beyond the range of the observed lower tail is not supported in the current
version of texmex
. In cases where negative dependence is observed and
extrapolation is required into the lower tail of the dependent variable, the
situation is trivially resolved by working with a reflection of the
dependent variable (Y becomes -Y and so the upper and lower tails are
swapped). Results can be calculated for the reflected variable then
reflected back to the correct scale. This is satisfactory when only the
pair of variables (the conditioning and single dependent variable) are of
interest, but when genuine multivariate (as opposed to simply bivariate)
structure is of interest, this approach will destroy the dependence
structure between the reflected dependent variable and the remaining
dependent variables.
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 66, 497 - 546, 2004
, mexDependence
, mexMonteCarlo
w <- mex(winter, mqu=.7, dqu=0.7, which="O3") w par(mfcol=c(3, 2)) plot(w) par(mfcol=c(2,2)) p <- predict(w) summary(p) summary(p,probs=c(0.01,0.2,0.5,0.8,0.99)) summary(p,probs=0.5,mth=c(40,50,150,25,50)) p plot(p)
w <- mex(winter, mqu=.7, dqu=0.7, which="O3") w par(mfcol=c(3, 2)) plot(w) par(mfcol=c(2,2)) p <- predict(w) summary(p) summary(p,probs=c(0.01,0.2,0.5,0.8,0.99)) summary(p,probs=0.5,mth=c(40,50,150,25,50)) p plot(p)
Fit multiple independent generalized Pareto models as the first step of conditional multivariate extreme values modelling following the approach of Heffernan and Tawn, 2004.
## S3 method for class 'migpd' ggplot( data, mapping = NULL, main = c("Probability plot", "Quantile plot", "Return level plot", "Histogram and density"), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ..., environment ) migpd( data, mth, mqu, penalty = "gaussian", maxit = 10000, trace = 0, verbose = FALSE, priorParameters = NULL, cov = "observed", family = gpd ) ## S3 method for class 'migpd' plot( x, main = c("Probability plot", "Quantile plot", "Return level plot", "Histogram and density"), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ... )
## S3 method for class 'migpd' ggplot( data, mapping = NULL, main = c("Probability plot", "Quantile plot", "Return level plot", "Histogram and density"), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ..., environment ) migpd( data, mth, mqu, penalty = "gaussian", maxit = 10000, trace = 0, verbose = FALSE, priorParameters = NULL, cov = "observed", family = gpd ) ## S3 method for class 'migpd' plot( x, main = c("Probability plot", "Quantile plot", "Return level plot", "Histogram and density"), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ... )
data |
A matrix or data.frame, each column of which is to be modelled. |
mapping , environment
Further arguments to ggplot method. |
main |
Character vector of length four: titles for plots produced by
xlab |
As |
nsim |
Number of simulations on which to base tolerance envelopes in
alpha |
Significance level for tolerance and confidence intervals in
... |
Further arguments to be passed to methods. |
mth |
Marginal thresholds. Thresholds above which to fit the models.
Only one of |
mqu |
Marginal quantiles. Quantiles above which to fit the models. Only
one of |
penalty |
How the likelihood should be penalized. Defaults to
"gaussian". See documentation for |
maxit |
The maximum number of iterations to be used by the optimizer. |
trace |
Whether or not to tell the user how the optimizer is getting
on. The argument is passed into |
verbose |
Controls whether or not the function prints to screen every time it fits a model. Defaults to FALSE. |
priorParameters |
Only used if |
cov |
String, passed through to |
family |
An object of class "texmexFamily". Should be either
x |
Object of class |
The parameters in the generalized Pareto distribution are estimated for each column of the data in turn, independently of all other columns. Note, covariate modelling of GPD parameters is not supported.
Maximum likelihood estimation often fails with generalized Pareto distributions because of the likelihood becoming flat (see, for example, Hosking et al, 1985). Therefore the function allows penalized likelihood estimation, which is the same as maximum a posteriori estimation from a Bayesian point of view.
By default quadratic penalization is used, corresponding to using a Gaussian prior. If no genuine prior information is available, the following argument can be used. If xi = -1, the generalized Pareto distribution corresponds to the uniform distribution, and if xi is 1 or greater, the expectation is infinite. Thefore, xi is likely to fall in the region (-1, 1). A Gaussian distribution centred at zero and with standard deviation 0.5 will have little mass outside of (-1, 1) and so will often be a reasonable prior for xi. For log(sigma) a Gaussian distribution, centred at zero and with standard deviation 100 will often be vague. If a Gaussian penalty is specified but no parameters are given, the function will assume such indpendent priors.
Note that internally the function works with log(sigma), not sigma. The reasons are that quadratic penalization makes more sense for phi=log(sigma) than for sigma (because the distribution of log(sigma) will be more nearly symmetric), and because it was found to stabilize computations.
The associated coef
, print
and summary
exponentiate the log(sigma) parameter to return results on the expected
scale. If you are accessesing the parameters directly, however, take care to
be sure what scale the results are on.
Threshold selection can be carried out with the help of functions
and gpdRangeFit
An object of class "migpd". There are coef
, print
, ggplot
and summary
functions available.
You are encourage to use the mqu
argument and not mth
If you use mth
, the quantiles then need to be estimated. There
are, at the time of writing, 9 methods of estimating quantiles build into
the quantile
function. Tiny differences can cause problems in
later stages of the analysis if functions try to simulate in an area
that is legitimate according to the numerical value of the threshold, but
not according to the estimated quantile.
Harry Southworth
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004
J. R. M. Hosking and J. R. Wallis, Parameter and quantile estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution, Technometrics, 29, 339 – 349, 1987
, mexDependence
, predict.mex
, gpdRangeFit
mygpd <- migpd(winter, mqu=.7, penalty = "none") mygpd summary(mygpd) plot(mygpd) g <- ggplot(mygpd)
mygpd <- migpd(winter, mqu=.7, penalty = "none") mygpd summary(mygpd) plot(mygpd) g <- ggplot(mygpd)
Plotting function for return level estimation
## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ylim = "auto", ptcol = "blue", col = "light blue", fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5, ..., environment )
## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' ggplot( data = NULL, mapping, xlab, ylab, main, ylim = "auto", ptcol = "blue", col = "light blue", fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5, ..., environment )
data |
An object of class |
mapping |
Not used. |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis. |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis. |
main |
Plot title. |
ylim |
Plot limits for y-axis. |
ptcol |
Colour for points. Defaults to |
col |
Colour for lines. Defaults to |
fill |
Colour for shading polygons. |
alpha |
Transparency. |
... |
Other arguments passed through to underlying plot functions. |
environment |
Not used. |
Calculates profile likelilhood based confidence intervals for a given fitted GPD model – this is only implemented for two parameter GPD with no covariates in the model.
gpd.prof( z, m, xmax, xlow, conf = 0.95, nint = 50, PlotIt = FALSE, mult = 2, priorParameters = NULL )
gpd.prof( z, m, xmax, xlow, conf = 0.95, nint = 50, PlotIt = FALSE, mult = 2, priorParameters = NULL )
z |
a fitted |
m |
return period : units are number of observations |
xmax |
point estimate of the return level, this is used to bracket the roots of the equation used to calculate the ends of the profile likelihood based confidence interval. The value need not be exact. |
xlow |
value lower than the lower end of the confidence interval, for bracketing in root finding |
conf |
confidence level, defaults to 0.95 |
nint |
used for plotting if required, number of points at which to calculate the profile likelihood for plotting, defaults to 50 |
PlotIt |
logical, whether or not to plot the profile likelihood, defaults to |
mult |
used to calculate the starting point for the root finding for solving to find the upper end of the confidence interval. The starting point is |
priorParameters |
optional, value of prior/penalty parameters used for penalised likelihood estimation, default to NULL |
Numeric vector of length two, with lower and upper ends of the estiamted confidence intervals respectively.
Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values, using maximum (penalized) likelihood.
gpdRangeFit(data, umin=quantile(data, .05), umax=quantile(data, .95), nint = 10, penalty = "gaussian", priorParameters = NULL, alpha=0.05, cov="observed") ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.gpdRangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' plot(x, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = NULL, main = NULL, addNexcesses=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab="Threshold", ylab=NULL, main=NULL, fill="orange", col="blue", addNexcesses = TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
gpdRangeFit(data, umin=quantile(data, .05), umax=quantile(data, .95), nint = 10, penalty = "gaussian", priorParameters = NULL, alpha=0.05, cov="observed") ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.gpdRangeFit' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' plot(x, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = NULL, main = NULL, addNexcesses=TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'gpdRangeFit' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab="Threshold", ylab=NULL, main=NULL, fill="orange", col="blue", addNexcesses = TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
data |
The data vector to be modelled. |
umin |
The minimum threshold above which to estimate the parameters. |
umax |
The maximum threshold above which to estimate the parameters. |
nint |
The number of thresholds at which to perform the estimation. |
penalty |
The type of penalty to be used in the maximum penalized likelihood estimation. Should be either "gaussian" or "none". Defaults to "gaussian". |
priorParameters |
Parameters to be used for the penalty function. See
the help for |
alpha |
100(1 - alpha)% confidence intervals will be plotted with the
point estimates. Defaults to |
cov |
How to compute the covariance matrix of the parameters. Defaults
to |
x , object
Arguments to |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis. |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis. |
main |
The main title. |
addNexcesses |
Annotate top axis with numbers of threshold excesses arising with the corresponding values of threshold on the bottom axis. |
col |
Colour of the line on the threshold stability plot. |
fill |
Colour of the pointwise confidence region on the threshold stability plots. |
textsize |
Size of text on the plot (ggplot). Defaults to
... |
Arguments to |
mapping , environment
Not used. |
This is Stuart Coles' gpd.fitrange
, as it appears in the ismev
package, refactored into a function that does the computations, and method
functions. The function uses evm
internally and uses the default
options for that function.
Note this function does not extend to assessing model fit when there are covariates included in the model.
Stuart Coles, Janet E Heffernan, Harry Southworth
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(gpdRangeFit(rain))
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(gpdRangeFit(rain))
Calculate bivariate joint exceedance curves
JointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb,...) ## S3 method for class 'jointExcCurve' print(x,...) ## Default S3 method: JointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mexMC' JointExceedanceCurve( Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, which = 1:2, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' JointExceedanceCurve( Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, which = 1:2, ... ) calcJointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'jointExcCurve' print(x, ...) geom_jointExcCurve(x, ...)
JointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb,...) ## S3 method for class 'jointExcCurve' print(x,...) ## Default S3 method: JointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mexMC' JointExceedanceCurve( Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, which = 1:2, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'predict.mex' JointExceedanceCurve( Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL, which = 1:2, ... ) calcJointExceedanceCurve(Sample, ExceedanceProb, n = 50, x = NULL) ## S3 method for class 'jointExcCurve' print(x, ...) geom_jointExcCurve(x, ...)
Sample |
Monte Carlo (or other) sample from which to calculate joint exceedance curve |
ExceedanceProb |
Takes values between 0 and 1, constant value of joint exceedance probability for which the curve will be calculated |
... |
Further aguments to be passed to methods |
n |
If |
x |
If specified by the user, the values of in the first dimension of |
which |
Vector length two identifying which margins to use for joint exceedance curve estimation. Can be integer vector, giving column numbers of original data matrix, or character vector identifying variables by name (these must match column names in original data). |
Calculates pairs of points (x,y) for which the point exceedance
probability P(X>x and Y>y) is constant. This is available only in
two dimensions: for higher dimensional data, the bivariate margin
will be used and other variables ignored. Takes as input either a
two column matrix of observations, output from mexMonteCarlo
(in which case samples from all fitted models are used to calculate curves)
or output from a call to the predict
method for an object of
class mex
(in which case just the single fitted model is used
for estimation, with the importance sample generated in the call
to predict
being used to calculate the joint exceedance curve).
Returns an object of class jointExcCurve
. This is a
list of length two, one for each variable for which the curve is
calculated. Each item of the list is a vector of coordinate values
for the variable in question. Attributes include names
the exceedance probability used to calculate the curve ExceedanceProb
The curve is calculated by finding pairs of points (x,y) for which the empirical
probability P(X>x, Y>y) of both variables exceeding their corresponding value is equal
to the specified ExceedanceProb
. Note that when this is calculated
for an object of class predict.mex
(returned by a call to the predict
method for an object of class mex
) then the exceedance probability is
interpreted as the UNCONDITIONAL exceedance probability of the importance sample,
ie the probability of sampled values occurring from the original modelled joint
distribution, and NOT the conditional distribution used to generate the
importance sample.
Estimated curve can be added to a ggplot of the data (and/or importance sample) by using the function geom_jointExcCurve
, see examples below.
# for data frame of raw data Sigma <- matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), ncol=2) m1 <- rmvnorm(5000,sigma=Sigma) m1 <- as.data.frame(m1) j1 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.01) j2 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.005) j3 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.001) ggplot(m1,aes(V1,V2)) + geom_point(colour="dark blue",alpha=0.5) + geom_jointExcCurve(j1,colour="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j2,colour="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j3,colour="orange") # using importance sample generated by call to predict for object of class mex m <- mex(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=0.7,which="NO") m2 <- predict(m,nsim=5000,pqu=0.999) g <- ggplot(m2,plot.=FALSE) j4 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005,which=c("NO","NO2")) j5 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0002,which=c("NO","NO2")) j6 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0001,which=c("NO","NO2")) g[[2]] + geom_jointExcCurve(j4,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j5,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j6,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") # for augmented dataset, generated by MC sampling from collection of fitted H+T models m <- mexAll(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=rep(0.7,5)) m3 <- mexMonteCarlo(nSample=5000,mexList=m) j7 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.05,which=c("NO","NO2")) j8 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.02,which=c("NO","NO2")) j9 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.01,which=c("NO","NO2")) ggplot(as.data.frame(m3$MCsample[,c("NO","NO2")]),aes(NO,NO2)) + geom_point(col="light blue",alpha=0.5) + geom_jointExcCurve(j7,col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j8,col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j9,col="orange")
# for data frame of raw data Sigma <- matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), ncol=2) m1 <- rmvnorm(5000,sigma=Sigma) m1 <- as.data.frame(m1) j1 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.01) j2 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.005) j3 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m1,0.001) ggplot(m1,aes(V1,V2)) + geom_point(colour="dark blue",alpha=0.5) + geom_jointExcCurve(j1,colour="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j2,colour="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j3,colour="orange") # using importance sample generated by call to predict for object of class mex m <- mex(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=0.7,which="NO") m2 <- predict(m,nsim=5000,pqu=0.999) g <- ggplot(m2,plot.=FALSE) j4 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005,which=c("NO","NO2")) j5 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0002,which=c("NO","NO2")) j6 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0001,which=c("NO","NO2")) g[[2]] + geom_jointExcCurve(j4,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j5,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j6,aes(NO,NO2),col="orange") # for augmented dataset, generated by MC sampling from collection of fitted H+T models m <- mexAll(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=rep(0.7,5)) m3 <- mexMonteCarlo(nSample=5000,mexList=m) j7 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.05,which=c("NO","NO2")) j8 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.02,which=c("NO","NO2")) j9 <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,0.01,which=c("NO","NO2")) ggplot(as.data.frame(m3$MCsample[,c("NO","NO2")]),aes(NO,NO2)) + geom_point(col="light blue",alpha=0.5) + geom_jointExcCurve(j7,col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j8,col="orange") + geom_jointExcCurve(j9,col="orange")
Liver related laboratory data from a randomized, blind, parallel group clinical trial with 4 doses of a drug.
A data frame with 606 observations on the following 9 variables.
Alkaline phosphatase at baseline. A numeric vector.
Alanine aminotransferase at baseline. A numeric vector.
Aspartate aminotransferase at baseline. A numeric vector.
Total bilirubin at baseline. A numeric vector.
Alkaline phosphatase after treatment. A numeric vector.
Alanine aminotransferase after treatment. A numeric vector.
Aspartate aminotransferase after treatment. A numeric vector.
Total bilirubin after treatment. A numeric vector.
The treatment group (i.e. dose group). A factor with levels A
Dose A is the lowest dose, dose, B the next, C the next, and D the highest dose. The baseline values were taken prior to any treatment being received, and the clinical trial had a single post-baseline visit.
AstraZeneca data on file.
Return the log-likelihood or penalized log-likelihood for
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' logLik(object, penalized = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' logLik(object, penalized = FALSE, ...)
object |
fit model object |
penalized |
whether to return the penalized log-likelihood |
... |
some methods need more arguments |
an object of class logLik
This gives the option of providing a set of reference marginal distributions to use for marginal transformation if the data's own marginal distribution is not appropriate (for instance if only data for which one variable is large is available, the marginal distributions of the other variables will not be represented by the available data). In such situations, the user can supply the full marginal information of the non-thresholded variables which are necessary to transform these variables correctly from the original margins to Gumbel/Laplace for estimation of dependence model parameters.
makeReferenceMarginalDistribution(x, r, whichNoChange = NULL)
makeReferenceMarginalDistribution(x, r, whichNoChange = NULL)
x |
output from migpd fit to the original data which does not represent at least one marginal distribution |
r |
output from migpd fit to the reference data which does represent the correct marginal distribution of the variable with incomplete representation in |
whichNoChange |
Margins which are not to use the supplied reference distribution |
An object of class "migpd".
Compute multivariate conditional Spearman's rho over a range of quantiles.
MCS(X, p = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1)) ## S3 method for class 'MCS' plot(x, xlab = "p", ylab = "MCS", ...) ## S3 method for class 'MCS' ggplot(data, mapping, main = "", ..., environment) bootMCS(X, p = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1), R = 100, trace = 10) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' ggplot(data, mapping, main = "", alpha = 0.05, ylim, ..., environment) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' plot(x, xlab = "p", ylab = "MCS", alpha = 0.05, ylim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' summary(object, alpha = 0.05, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.bootMCS' print(x, ...)
MCS(X, p = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1)) ## S3 method for class 'MCS' plot(x, xlab = "p", ylab = "MCS", ...) ## S3 method for class 'MCS' ggplot(data, mapping, main = "", ..., environment) bootMCS(X, p = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1), R = 100, trace = 10) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' ggplot(data, mapping, main = "", alpha = 0.05, ylim, ..., environment) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' plot(x, xlab = "p", ylab = "MCS", alpha = 0.05, ylim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'bootMCS' summary(object, alpha = 0.05, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.bootMCS' print(x, ...)
X |
A matrix of numeric variables. |
p |
The quantiles at which to evaluate. |
x , object
An object of class |
xlab , ylab
Axis labels. |
... |
Optional arguments to be passed into methods. |
data , mapping , main , environment
Arguments to ggplot method. |
R |
The number of bootstrap samples to run. Defaults to |
trace |
How often to inform the user of progress. Defaults to
alpha |
A 100(1 - alpha)% pointwise confidence interval will be
produced. Defaults to |
ylim |
Plotting limits for bootstrap plot. |
The method is described in detail by Schmid and Schmidt (2007). The main code was written by Yiannis Papastathopoulos, wrappers written by Harry Southworth.
When the result of a call to bootMCS
is plotted, simple quantile
bootstrap confidence intervals are displayed.
MCS returns an object of class MCS
. There are plot and
print methods available for this class.
The estimated correlations. |
p |
The quantiles at which the correlations were evaluated at |
call |
The function call used. |
bootMCS returns an object of class bootMCS
. There are plot and
summary methods available for this class.
replicates |
Bootstrap replicates. |
p |
The quantiles at which the correlations were evaluated at |
R |
Number of bootstrap samples. |
call |
The function call used. |
Yiannis Papastathopoulos, Harry Southworth
F. Schmid and R. Schmidt, Multivariate conditional versions of Spearman's rho and related measures of tail dependence, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, 1123 – 1140, 2007
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] plot(D) Dmcs <- bootMCS(D[, 5:6]) Dmcs plot(Dmcs)
D <- liver[liver$dose == "D",] plot(D) Dmcs <- bootMCS(D[, 5:6]) Dmcs plot(Dmcs)
Estimate the dependence parameters in a conditional multivariate extreme values model using the approach of Heffernan and Tawn, 2004.
mexDependence(x, which, dqu, margins="laplace", constrain=TRUE, v = 10, maxit=1000000, start=c(.01, .01), marTransform="mixture", referenceMargin = NULL, nOptim = 1, PlotLikDo=FALSE, PlotLikRange=list(a=c(-1,1),b=c(-3,1)), PlotLikTitle=NULL)
mexDependence(x, which, dqu, margins="laplace", constrain=TRUE, v = 10, maxit=1000000, start=c(.01, .01), marTransform="mixture", referenceMargin = NULL, nOptim = 1, PlotLikDo=FALSE, PlotLikRange=list(a=c(-1,1),b=c(-3,1)), PlotLikTitle=NULL)
x |
An object of class "migpd" as returned by
which |
The name of the variable on which to condition. This
is the name of a column of the data that was passed into
dqu |
See documentation for this argument in
margins |
The form of margins to which the data are transformed for carrying out dependence estimation. Defaults to "laplace", with the alternative option being "gumbel". The choice of margins has an impact on the interpretation of the fitted dependence parameters. Under Gumbel margins, the estimated parameters a and b describe only positive dependence, while c and d describe negative dependence in this case. For Laplace margins, only parameters a and b are estimated as these capture both positive and negative dependence. |
constrain |
Logical value. Defaults to |
v |
Scalar. Tuning parameter used to carry out constrained
estimation of dependence structure under
maxit |
The maximum number of iterations to be used by the
optimizer. Defaults to |
start |
Optional starting value for dependence estimation.
This can be: a vector of length two, with values corresponding
to dependence parameters a and b respectively, and in which
case |
marTransform |
Optional form of transformation to be used for
probability integral transform of data from original to Gumbel
or Laplace margins. Takes values |
referenceMargin |
Optional set of reference marginal
distributions to use for marginal transformation if the data's
own marginal distribution is not appropriate (for instance if
only data for which one variable is large is available, the
marginal distributions of the other variables will not be
represented by the available data). This object can be created
from a combination of datasets and fitted GPDs using the
function |
nOptim |
Number of times to run optimiser when estimating
dependence model parameters. Defaults to 1. In the case of
PlotLikDo |
Logical value: whether or not to plot the profile likelihood surface for dependence model parameters under constrained estimation. |
PlotLikRange |
This is used to specify a region of the
parameter space over which to plot the profile log-likelihood
surface. List of length 2; each item being a vector of length
two corresponding to the plotting ranges for dependence
parameters a and b respectively. If this argument is not
missing, then |
PlotLikTitle |
Used only if |
Estimates the extremal dependence structure of the data in x
. The
precise nature of the estimation depends on the value of margins
. If
(the default) then dependence parameters a and b
are estimated after transformation of the data to Laplace marginal
distributions. These parameters can describe both positive and negative
dependence. If margins="gumbel"
then the parameters a, b, c and d in
the dependence structure described by Heffernan and Tawn (2004) are
estimated in the following two steps: first, a and b are estimated; then, if
a=0 and b is negative, parameters c and d are estimated (this is the case of
negative dependence). Otherwise c and d will be fixed at zero (this is the
case of positive dependence).
If margins="laplace"
then the option of constrained parameter
estimation is available by setting argument constrain=TRUE
. The
default is to constrain the values of the parameters
). This constrained estimation ensures validity of
the estimated model, and enforces the consistency of the fitted dependence
model with the strength of extremal dependence exhibited by the data. More
details are given in Keef et al. (2013). The effect of this constraint is
to limit the shape of the dependence parameter space so that its boundary is
curved rather than following the original box constraints suggested by
Heffernan and Tawn (2004). The constraint brings with it some performance
issues for the optimiser used to estimate the dependence parameters, in
particular sensitivity to choice of starting value which we describe now.
The dependence parameter estimates returned by this function can be
particularly sensitive to the choice of starting value used for the
optimisation. This is especially true when margins="laplace"
, in which case the maximum of the objective function
can lie on the edge of the (possibly curved) constrained parameter space.
It is therefore up to the user to check that the reported parameter
estimates really do correspond to the maximum of the profile lilkelihood
surface. This is easily carried out by using the visual diagnostics invoked
by setting PlotLikDo=TRUE
and adjusting the plotting area by using
the argument PlotLikRange
to focus on the region containing the
surface maximum. See an example below which illustrates the use of this
An object of class mex
which is a list containing
the following three objects:
margins |
An object of class
dependence |
An object of class
call |
This matches the original function call. |
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004.
C. Keef, I. Papastathopoulos and J. A. Tawn. Estimation of the conditional distribution of a multivariate variable given that one of its components is large: Additional constraints for the Heffernan and Tawn model, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 115, 396 – 404, 2013
, bootmex
, plot.mex
data(winter) mygpd <- migpd(winter , mqu=.7, penalty="none") mexDependence(mygpd , which = "NO", dqu=.7) # focus on 2-d example with parameter estimates on boundary of constrained parameter space: NO.NO2 <- migpd(winter[,2:3] , mqu=.7, penalty="none") # starting value gives estimate far from true max: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.01,0.01), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO")) # zoom in on plotting region containing maximum: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.01,0.01), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO"), PlotLikRange = list(a=c(0,0.8),b=c(-0.2,0.6))) # try different starting value: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.1,0.1), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO"), PlotLikRange = list(a=c(0,0.8),b=c(-0.2,0.6)))
data(winter) mygpd <- migpd(winter , mqu=.7, penalty="none") mexDependence(mygpd , which = "NO", dqu=.7) # focus on 2-d example with parameter estimates on boundary of constrained parameter space: NO.NO2 <- migpd(winter[,2:3] , mqu=.7, penalty="none") # starting value gives estimate far from true max: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.01,0.01), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO")) # zoom in on plotting region containing maximum: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.01,0.01), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO"), PlotLikRange = list(a=c(0,0.8),b=c(-0.2,0.6))) # try different starting value: mexDependence(NO.NO2, which = "NO",dqu=0.7,start=c(0.1,0.1), PlotLikDo=TRUE,PlotLikTitle=c("NO2 | NO"), PlotLikRange = list(a=c(0,0.8),b=c(-0.2,0.6)))
Simulate Monte Carlo sample from a collection of fitted conditional dependence models.
nSample |
Required sample size. |
mexList |
List of fitted dependence models (returned by
mult |
Integer specifying what multiple of the total number of points should be generated for rejection sample |
Generates a Monte Carlo sample of the required size from a collection of conditional multivariate extreme values model of Heffernan and Tawn, 2004. For each marginal variable, the model that conditions on that margin is used to simulate values in the part of the sample space for which that margin is the largest of all marignal variables (measured on a quantile scale).
A list with the following components:
nR |
For each margin, number of original Monte Carlo points replaced by points generated under the corresponding conditional model. |
MCsample |
Matrix contiaining the Monte Carlo sample, dimension
whichMax |
Vector of indices indicating which variable is largest (on the quantile scale) |
whichMaxAboveThresh |
Logical vector indicating which of the variables
identified by |
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004
mAll <- mexAll(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=c(0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7)) mexMC <- mexMonteCarlo(5000,mAll) pairs(mexMC$MCsample)
mAll <- mexAll(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=c(0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7)) mexMC <- mexMonteCarlo(5000,mAll) pairs(mexMC$MCsample)
Diagnostic tool to aid the choice of threshold to be used for the estimation of the dependence parameters in the conditional multivariate extreme values model of Heffernan and Tawn, 2004.
mexRangeFit(x, which, quantiles = seq(0.5, 0.9, length = 9), start=c(.01, .01), R = 10, nPass=3, trace=10, margins = "laplace", constrain = TRUE, v = 10, referenceMargin=NULL)
mexRangeFit(x, which, quantiles = seq(0.5, 0.9, length = 9), start=c(.01, .01), R = 10, nPass=3, trace=10, margins = "laplace", constrain = TRUE, v = 10, referenceMargin=NULL)
x |
which |
The variable on which to condition. |
quantiles |
A numeric vector specifying the quantiles of the marginal distribution of the conditioning variable at which to fit the dependence model. |
start |
See documentation for this argument in
R |
The number of bootstrap runs to perform at each threshold. Defaults
to |
nPass |
Argument passed to function |
trace |
Argument passed to function |
margins |
Argument passed to function |
constrain |
Argument passed to function |
v |
Argument passed to function |
referenceMargin |
Optional set of reference marginal distributions to use for marginal transformation if the data's own marginal distribution is not appropriate (for instance if only data for which one variable is large is available, the marginal distributions of the other variables will not be represented by the available data). This object can be created from a combination of datasets and fitted GPDs using the function |
Dependence model parameters are estimated using a range of threshold values. The sampling variability of these estimates is characterised using the bootstrap. Point estimates and bootstrap estimates are finally plotted over the range of thresholds. Choice of threshold should be made such that the point estimates at the chosen threshold and beyond are constant, up to sampling variation.
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004
w <- migpd(winter, mqu=.7) w par(mfrow=c(4,2)) plot(mexRangeFit(w, which=1),main="Winter data, Heffernan and Tawn 2004",cex=0.5)
w <- migpd(winter, mqu=.7) w par(mfrow=c(4,2)) plot(mexRangeFit(w, which=1),main="Winter data, Heffernan and Tawn 2004",cex=0.5)
Change the values of parameters in a migpd
object. You might want to
do this after modelling marginal distributions as functions of covariates.
migpdCoefs(object, which, coefs)
migpdCoefs(object, which, coefs)
object |
An object of class |
which |
Which models in the |
coefs |
The coefficients that you want to change to. If |
A migpd
object. See the help for migpd
Harry Southworth
library(MASS) liver <- liver liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose) d <- data.frame(alt = resid(rlm(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver)), ast = resid(rlm(log(AST.M) ~ log(AST.B) + ndose, data=liver)), alp = resid(rlm(log(ALP.M) ~ log(ALP.B) + ndose, data=liver)), tbl = resid(rlm(log(TBL.M) ~ log(TBL.B) + ndose, data=liver))) Dgpds <- migpd(d[liver$dose == "D", 1:4], mqu=.7) d$ndose <- liver$ndose galt <- evm("alt", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) gast <- evm("ast", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) galp <- evm("alp", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) altco <- predict(galt,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] astco <- predict(gast,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] alpco <- predict(galp,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] Dgpd <- migpdCoefs(Dgpds, which=c("alt", "ast", "alp"), coefs=list(altco, astco, alpco)) summary(Dgpd) summary(Dgpds)
library(MASS) liver <- liver liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose) d <- data.frame(alt = resid(rlm(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver)), ast = resid(rlm(log(AST.M) ~ log(AST.B) + ndose, data=liver)), alp = resid(rlm(log(ALP.M) ~ log(ALP.B) + ndose, data=liver)), tbl = resid(rlm(log(TBL.M) ~ log(TBL.B) + ndose, data=liver))) Dgpds <- migpd(d[liver$dose == "D", 1:4], mqu=.7) d$ndose <- liver$ndose galt <- evm("alt", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) gast <- evm("ast", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) galp <- evm("alp", data=d, qu=.7, xi = ~ ndose) altco <- predict(galt,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] astco <- predict(gast,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] alpco <- predict(galp,type="lp",newdata=data.frame(ndose=4))$obj$link[1:2] Dgpd <- migpdCoefs(Dgpds, which=c("alt", "ast", "alp"), coefs=list(altco, astco, alpco)) summary(Dgpd) summary(Dgpds)
Calculate mean residual life and plot it to aid the identification of a threshold over which to fit a generalized Pareto distribution
mrl(data, umin = min(data), umax = max(data) - 0.1, nint = 100, alpha=.050) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mrl' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' plot(x, xlab="Threshold", ylab="Mean excess", ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "Mean excess", main=NULL,fill="orange", col="blue", rug=TRUE, addNexcesses=TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
mrl(data, umin = min(data), umax = max(data) - 0.1, nint = 100, alpha=.050) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mrl' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' plot(x, xlab="Threshold", ylab="Mean excess", ...) ## S3 method for class 'mrl' ggplot(data, mapping, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "Mean excess", main=NULL,fill="orange", col="blue", rug=TRUE, addNexcesses=TRUE, textsize=4, ..., environment)
data |
A numeric vector. |
umin |
The minimum value over which to threshold the data. |
umax |
The maximum value over which to threshold the data. |
nint |
The number of points at which to compute the plot. |
alpha |
Used to determine coverage of confidence interval to plot. Defaults to plotting a 95% interval. |
x , object
Arguments to print, summary and plot functions. |
xlab |
Label for the x-axis. Defaults to |
ylab |
Label for the y-axis. Defaults to |
... |
Optional arguments to |
col |
Colour of the line on the MRL plot. |
rug |
Whether to add raw data as a rug along axis of plot. |
fill |
Colour of the pointwise confidence region on the MRL plot. |
main |
Main title. |
addNexcesses |
Whether to annotate the plot with the numbers of
excesses over increasing thresholds. Defaults to |
textsize |
Size of text on the plot (ggplot). Defaults to
mapping , environment
Not used. |
Threshold choice for the fitting of the GPD is guided by the shape of the Mean Residual Life plot. A threshold which is suitably high will have a corresponding mrl plot which is approximately linear in shape above the threshold (up to sampling variation).
A list with two components. data
is the original data,
is a matrix containing information to produce the mean residual
life plot.
The function was originally written by Stuart Coles and appears in the
package. This version modified by Harry Southworth to allow
more control over the appearance of the plot.
Janet E. Heffernan, Harry Southworth
S. Coles, An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Springer, 2001
Plot copulas
## S3 method for class 'copula' plot(x, jitter. = FALSE, jitter.factor = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'copula' plot(x, jitter. = FALSE, jitter.factor = 1, ...)
x |
A copula object |
jitter. |
If |
jitter.factor |
How much jittering to use. Defaults to
... |
Other arguments to pass through to |
Various plots for evmOpt
objects. These differ depending on
whether or not there are covariates in the model. If there are no
covariates then the diagnostic plots are PP- and QQ-plots, a return
level plot (produced by plotrl.evmSim
) and a histogram of
the data with superimposed density estimate. These are all
calculated using the data on the original scale. If there are
covariates in the model then the diagnostics consist of PP- and QQ-
plots calculated by using the model residuals (which will be
standard exponential devaiates under the GPD model and standard
Gumbel deviates under the GEV model), and plots of residuals versus
fitted model parameters.
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' plot( x, main = rep(NULL, 4), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ... )
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' plot( x, main = rep(NULL, 4), xlab = rep(NULL, 4), nsim = 1000, alpha = 0.05, ... )
x |
an object of class |
main |
titles for diagnostic plots. Should be a vector of length 4, with values corresponding to the character strings to appear on the titles of the pp, qq, return level, and density estimate plots respectively. |
xlab |
As for |
nsim |
The number of replicates to be simulated to produce the simulated tolerance intervals. |
alpha |
A |
... |
The PP- and QQ-plots show simulated pointwise tolerance intervals.
The region is a region based
simulated samples.
This function produces diagnostic plots for the Markov chains used to simulate from the posterior distributions for the model parameters. If the chains have converged on the posterior distributions, the trace plots should look like "fat hairy caterpillars" and their cumulative means should converge rapidly. Moreover, the autocorrelation functions should converge quickly to zero.
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' plot( x, which.plots = 1:3, chain = 1, density.adjust = 2, print.seed = FALSE, ... )
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' plot( x, which.plots = 1:3, chain = 1, density.adjust = 2, print.seed = FALSE, ... )
x |
an object of class |
which.plots |
Which plots to produce. Option 1 gives kernel density estimates, 2 gives traces of the Markov chains with superimposed cumulative means, 3 gives autocorrelation functions. |
chain |
Which chain to use in the trace and ACF plots. Only used if
more than one chain was run. Defaults to |
density.adjust |
In |
print.seed |
Whether or not to print the seed used in the simulations, or to annotate the plots with it. |
... |
ignored |
Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
## S3 method for class 'lp.evmOpt' plot( x, main = NULL, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 1, polycol = 15, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, full.cov = FALSE, ... ) linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'lp.evmOpt' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'lp.evmOpt' plot( x, main = NULL, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 1, polycol = 15, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, full.cov = FALSE, ... ) linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' predict( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, type = "return level", se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' linearPredictors( object, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'lp.evmOpt' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
x |
An object of class |
main , pch , ptcol , cex , linecol , cicol , polycol , plot , plot.
Further arguments to plot methods. |
... |
Further arguments to methods. |
object |
An object of class |
M |
The return period: units are number of observations. Defaults to
newdata |
The new data that you want to make the prediction for.
Defaults in |
type |
For the predict methods, the type of prediction, either "return
level" (or "rl") or "link" (or "lp"). Defaults to For the plot methods for simulation based estimation of underlying
distributions i.e. objects derived from "evmSim" and "evmBoot" classes,
whether to use the sample median |
se.fit |
Whether or not to return the standard error of the predicted
value. Defaults to |
ci.fit |
Whether or not to return a confidence interval for the
predicted value. Defaults to |
alpha |
If |
unique. |
If |
full.cov |
Should the full covariance matrix be returned as part of a
all |
For the |
sumfun |
For the |
digits |
Number of digits to show when printing objects. |
By default, return levels predicted from the unique values of the linear
predictors are returned. For the evmBoot
method, estimates of
confidence intervals are simply quantiles of the bootstrap sample. The
method is just a wrapper for the evmSim
A list with two entries: the first being the call and the
second being a further list with one entry for each value of
At present, the confidence intervals returned for an object of class
are simple confidence intervals based on assumptions of
normality that are likely to be far from the truth in many cases. A better
approach would be to use profile likelihood, and we intend to implement this
method at a future date. Alternatively, the credible intervals returned by
using Bayesian estimation and the predict method for class "evmSim" will
tend to give a better representation of the asymmetry of the estimated
intervals around the parameter point estimates.
Harry Southworth and Janet E. Heffernan
Computation of return levels and confidence intervals for extreme value models.
## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmSim' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmBoot' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmSim' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmBoot' plot( x, xlab, ylab, main, pch = 1, ptcol = 2, cex = 0.75, linecol = 4, cicol = 0, polycol = 15, smooth = FALSE, sameAxes = TRUE, type = "median", ylim = NULL, plot. = TRUE, ... ) rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' rl( object, M = 1000, newdata = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ci.fit = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, unique. = TRUE, all = FALSE, sumfun = NULL, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'rl.evmOpt' print(x, digits = 3, ...)
x |
Object passed to plot and print methods. |
xlab , ylab , main , pch , ptcol , cex , linecol , cicol , polycol , smooth , sameAxes , ylim
Further arguments to plot methods. |
type |
For calls to plot methods for objects of class
plot. |
Parameter for plot method, whether to produce plots. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to methods. |
object |
An object of class |
M |
The M-observation return level is computed by the
function. Defaults to |
newdata |
Data from which to calculate the return level. If not provided, the original data used to fit the model is used. Column names must match those of original data matrix used for model fitting. |
se.fit |
Whether or not to return the standard error of the
predicted value. Defaults to |
ci.fit |
Whether or not to return a confidence interval for
the predicted value. Defaults to |
alpha |
If |
unique. |
If |
all |
For the |
sumfun |
For the |
digits |
Number of digits to show when printing output. |
The M-observation return level is defined as the value that is expected to be exceeded only once every M observations. Thus, it is an estimate of a high quantile of the fitted distribution.
In models fit by the evm
family of functions with
, only a fraction of the data is actually
included in the model; the fitted GPD is a conditional model,
conditioning on the threshold having been exceeded. This
consideration is taken into account by rl
which calculates
unconditional return levels from the entire distribution of
observations above and below the GPD fitting threshold.
mod <- evm(rain, qu=.8) # daily rainfall observations rl(mod, M=100*365) # 100-year return level
mod <- evm(rain, qu=.8) # daily rainfall observations rl(mod, M=100*365) # 100-year return level
Print evmOpt objects
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
x |
a fit evmOpt object |
digits |
number of digits used for printing |
... |
further arguments passed to |
Rainfall, wave-surge, Port Pirie and River Nidd data sets.
The format of the rain data is: num [1:17531] 0 2.3 1.3 6.9 4.6 0 1 1.5 1.8 1.8 ...
The wave-surge data is bivariate and is used for testing functions in
The Port Pirie data has two columns: 'Year' and 'SeaLevel'.
The River Nidd data represents 154 measurements of the level of the River Nidd at Hunsingore Weir (Yorkshire, UK) between 1934 and 1969. Each measurement breaches the threshold of $65 m^3/2$. Various authors have analysed this dataset, as described by Papastathopoulos and Tawn~egp, there being some apparent difficulty in identifying a threshold above which GPD models are suitable.
The rain, wave-surge and Port Pirie datasets are used by Coles and appear in
the ismev
package. The River Nidd data appear in the evir
Copied from the ismev
package and the evir
S. Coles, An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values, Springer, 2001
I. Papastathopoulos and J. A. Tawn, Extended Generalised Pareto Models for Tail Estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 134 – 143, 2011
Extreme Value random process generation.
n |
Number of samples to generate. |
Generation of samples from unit Frechet processes.
Density, distribution and quantile functions, and random number generation for the Generalized logistic distribution
rglo(n, mu, sigma, xi) dglo(x, mu, sigma, xi, log.d = FALSE) pglo(q, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qglo(p, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rglo(n, mu, sigma, xi) dglo(x, mu, sigma, xi, log.d = FALSE) pglo(q, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qglo(p, mu, sigma, xi, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
n |
Number of random numbers to generate. |
mu |
Location parameter. |
sigma |
Scale parameter. |
xi |
Shape parameter. |
x , q , p
Value, quantile or probability respectively. |
log.d , log.p
Whether to work on the log scale. |
lower.tail |
Whether to return the lower tail. |
Extreme Value random process generation.
n |
Number of samples to generate. |
theta |
Parameter of the MAX AR process, takes values between 0 and 1. |
Generation of samples from Max AR(theta) processes.
Simulate random numbers from a fitted evm object
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, param = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'evmOpt' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, param = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmSim' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'evmBoot' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
object |
A fitted evm object having class 'evmOpt', 'evmSim' or 'evmBoot'. |
nsim |
The number of simulations to perform. Defaults to |
seed |
An integer to be passed to |
param |
Parameters to use in the random number generator. Defaults to
... |
Unused. |
For simulate.evmSim
and simulate.evmBoot
, the parameters from
the Markov chains or bootstrap replicates are randomly permuted prior to
each set of simulated responses being computed. In this way, reusing the
same set of values is avoided.
If nsim=1
, a vector or random numbers simulated from the
fitted model object. If nsim > 1
, a matrix with each column being a
set of simulated responses.
Paul Metcalfe, Harry Southworth
mod <- evm(rain, qu=.95) hist(simulate(mod, 100))
mod <- evm(rain, qu=.95) hist(simulate(mod, 100))
Air pollution data from Leeds (U.K.) city centre, collected from 1994 to
1998. The summer
data set corresponds to the months of April to July
inclusive. The winter
data set corresponds to the months of November
to February inclusive. Some outliers have been removed, as discussed by
Heffernan and Tawn, 2004.
Data frames with 578 (summer) and 532 (winter) observations on the following 5 variables.
Daily maximum ozone in parts per billion.
Daily maximum NO2 in parts per billion.
Daily maximum NO in parts per billion.
Daily maximum SO2 in parts per billion.
Daily maximum PM10 in micrograms/metre^3
Provided as online supplementary material to Heffernan and Tawn, 2004:
J. E. Heffernan and J. A. Tawn, A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values, Journal of the Royal Statistical society B, 66, 497 – 546, 2004
data(summer) data(winter)
data(summer) data(winter)
Create families of distributions for use with extreme value modelling.
texmexFamily(name, log.lik, param, info = NULL, sandwich = NULL, start = NULL, resid = NULL, rl, delta, endpoint, density, rng, prob, quant) ## S3 method for class 'texmexFamily' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'texmexFamily' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.texmexFamily' print(x,...)
texmexFamily(name, log.lik, param, info = NULL, sandwich = NULL, start = NULL, resid = NULL, rl, delta, endpoint, density, rng, prob, quant) ## S3 method for class 'texmexFamily' print(x,...) ## S3 method for class 'texmexFamily' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.texmexFamily' print(x,...)
name |
The name of the distribution. |
log.lik |
The distribution's log-likelihood function. |
param |
The names of the parameters in the model. |
info |
Function to compute the information matrix. If not provided, the modelling functions will work with a numerical approximation. |
sandwich |
Function to compute the filling in the Huber
sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix of parameter
estimates, used for dependent data. Only implemented in family
start |
Function to compute starting parameters for the model. If not provided, the modelling functions will try to guess. |
resid |
Function to compute residuals for the model. |
rl |
Function to compute return levels. |
delta |
Function to compute adjustments for covariance for return levels. |
endpoint |
Function to compute the upper or lower endpoint of the fitted distribution. |
density |
Function to compute the density. |
rng |
Function for random number generation. |
prob |
Function to compute cumulative probabilities. |
quant |
Function to compute quantiles. |
... |
Additional arguments to the print and summary methods. |
x , object
An object of class 'texmexFamily'. |
The density
, rng
, prob
and quant
functions can be simple wrappers for the usual d, r, p and q
functions. They should take a matrix with number of columns equal
to the number of parameters, and a fitted model object even if the
model object is not used by the function.
Examples of "texmexFamily" objects are gpd
, gev
, glo
, weibull
, gumbel
and egp3
. Take a look at
those objects to see how the functions should be constructed.
The functions are used by the modelling functions to create diagnostic plots, predictions, etc..
A object of class "texmexFamily", which is essentially a
list containing the input arguments. If info
, start
, resid
are not provided,
they default to NULL
The gpd
, gev
, weibull
, generalised logistic (glo
, gpdIntCensored
and egp3
families are provided.
The evm
function defaults to using the gpd
Harry Southworth
Process observations from Metropolis fitting of extreme value models, to thin the output and discard observations from burn-in period.
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' thinAndBurn(object, burn, thin)
## S3 method for class 'evmSim' thinAndBurn(object, burn, thin)
object |
Object of class 'evmSim' as returned by |
burn |
The number of observations from the simulated Markov Chain to be
discarded as burn-in. Must be a non-negative integer, for no burn-in use
thin |
Object of class evmSim
. See Value returned by
using method = "simulate"
for details.
Note that the original chain is not discarded when this function is called:
can be called recursively on the original object with
different values of burn
and thin
without the object getting
progressively smaller!
Harry Southworth, Janet E. Heffernan
x <- rnorm(1000) # For the values of burn and thin below, we should do many more iterations. # The number of iterations is kept low here due to the run time allowed # by CRAN. mod <- evm(x, qu=.7, method="sim", iter=11000) mod par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) plot(mod) mod1 <- thinAndBurn(mod,burn=1000, thin=5) plot(mod1)
x <- rnorm(1000) # For the values of burn and thin below, we should do many more iterations. # The number of iterations is kept low here due to the run time allowed # by CRAN. mod <- evm(x, qu=.7, method="sim", iter=11000) mod par(mfrow=c(3, 2)) plot(mod) mod1 <- thinAndBurn(mod,burn=1000, thin=5) plot(mod1)